
Not sure I get it. What is it that makes these men attractive enough to get married multiple times while having multiple lovers on the side?

The Republicans oppose all forms of Keynesianism, except for “weaponized Keynesianism.” In 2010, when President Obama wanted more stimulus to boost the economy, the Republicans said that Keynesianism doesn’t work. But as soon as the money is being spent on weapons, their rhetoric changes and they agree that spending

Blue state secession can not be compared to racism because living in a Red state is a choice and one can move to a blue state. People can not change their race, but they can change which state they live in. And people should not be pressured into changing their religion, but facing pressure to move to a different

I’m in New York, listening to my Polish friends rage about this. One of my friends has a father who voted for the current insane government of Poland. I hear the women here argue with their parents back in Poland. It’s a lot like the arguments about Trump, for everyone who has an insane parent who voted for Trump.

The FISA courts might have seen evidence of Trump’s ties with Russia. I think it is altogether possible that the government got a warrant and was legally tapping Trump’s phones. We already know that many of his staff were engaged in illegal behavior with the Russians.

Talk about low expectations — people are now desperate to praise Trump any time he sounds normal. It’s like we are all suppose to be training him to be a well-functioning 6 year old. If he doesn’t cry while mommy is shopping, then we will give him praise for being a big boy.

Seriously, the anti-natalists need to be given more attention. Maybe if we all stopped having children and our species died out then the world would be a better place.

I’m pleased that these white terrorists are going to jail, though once again the prison sentences in the USA are astounding. In Germany, murderers typically serve at most 15 years (there is a law in Germany such that all criminals are automatically up for parole after 15 years). But in this story one of the white

They can run magazines.

I’m so glad Trump is protecting us from this kind of terrorism!!!!!

“a lot of it is generational and reinforced from woman to woman.”

We should all be prepared for some kind of 21st Century repeat of this kind of brutality:

Falling on stairs is a leading cause of death over the age of 80. If he wanted to have an honest conversation about the dangers of stairs, and can homes be made safer for elderly, then that would be fantastic. But if he was capable of leading such a conversation he’d be a completely different person, with a completely

Hmmmm. “Conveniently, according to Vanity Fair, she said that she couldn’t remember the rest of what happened that August evening in the store.”

This isn’t much more exciting than riding my bicycle to work in Manhattan each day. But I notice at one moment they are between a bus and a truck. I once did that in Manhattan and I’ve promised myself I’ll never take a risk like that again. I could have died and there was absolutely nothing I could have done to save

Would it make sense to ungender the relationship between a patient and a doctor? Why not a general human right: if a patient and a doctor agree on some procedure, the government can not interfere. That applies equally to men and women. Is that too libertarian? When I read the text of Roe vs Wade, it sounds libertarian