Meatloaf was my first concert when I was like 5, and since then I’ve spent a lot of time wondering what “that” was. I came to the same conclusion as you so it must be true. It’s definitely butt stuff.
Meatloaf was my first concert when I was like 5, and since then I’ve spent a lot of time wondering what “that” was. I came to the same conclusion as you so it must be true. It’s definitely butt stuff.
My buzz cut was more a matter of necessity because so much of my hair had fallen out. It just made sense to keep it buzzed while I wait for it to start growing in. Around the house I may leave it uncovered, but I’m definitely not brave /symmetrical enough to rock the buzz cut in public. I got very lucky with my wig, I…
I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis and I hope you’re doing well. I’ve lost most of my hair over the last several months due to a medical condition and am currently sporting a military chic buzzed head so I know how stressful hair issues can be. I have a wig I wear outside of the house and while I’m home I just…
We have basically the same makeup routine except I would look straight up crazy with black brows and light hair. I have like 4 different brow products that I alternate between. But yeah even if I have no other makeup on my brows are getting colored in. I hate the thick brow trend though because I could let mine grow…
I have to do the same :( as a natural blonde my eyebrows are really light and naturally pretty thin. I couldn't survive without coloring them in. I feel the brow shame!
I just moved back here! I'm in!
True confession: every week after double creature I spend an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out what celebrities my dogs look like and I can’t come up with anything. :(
Ugh I was just coming here to ask what the fucking point of fat free ice cream is. I DON'T GET IT! Fat is what makes it taste good! Give me all the fat rn please and thanks you.
You really are the best <3
My pup has taken to killing birds while running around in the yard. I haven’t seen her do it, but my mom told me she even caught one mid flight. I want to feel bad, but I don’t really because a) she’s a dog that’s what they do and b) I feel about birds the way you do about rabbits. Birds are the fucking worst, and I’m…
Thank you for asking. I honestly mean that. Yes and no. I’ve had a lot of other stress in my life the past year so it’s just been a lot emotionally (being unemployed, ovarian tumor/losing said ovary, & most of my hair falling out due to medical issues are a few examples). Mostly it’s just weird because we were…
No you are not. You’re more, so much more! Don’t take this away from me. I broke up with my fiancé this week and am moving back in with my parents and this is all I have! But tbh I mostly drunk tweet and make a lot of dick jokes. Consider yourself warned.
I did it already. I didn't wait for the okay. I couldn't help myself. :/
Can I follow you too?! It makes me feel creepy, but I’m doing it anyway. My twitter handle is almost the same as my kinja name, but it has the correct spelling of my first name. I promise I will only twitter stalk you a little.
But I was going to propose to you with an only gently used ring :( How about a ring pop? Do those count as rings because it’s not just a ring, it’s candy too and candy is awesome.
I don’t know where you live but I’ll find you. We will be best friends. I want to be you/marry you when I grow up (even though we’re like the same age).
:( This gives me too many feels. You know how to cut to the core of me, Moriartysringtone. You’re so wise. You’re like a miniature Buddha covered in hair (maybe, I don’t know whether you’re hairy or miniature).
Re: Susan Boyle
What, you mean you didn’t learn about everywhere like such as The Iraq in school?! I bet it’s because we don’t have maps in U.S. America.