
Sorry, nope. This is less nitpicking and rather one more example of what astoundingly poor judgment they—and their ‘handlers’—display. No common sense and certainly no basic understanding of empathy and connection toward others. Like wearing a fur coat to visit a refugee camp. Or complaining at a funeral reception

The extremely non-petty point is that she’s making a mockery of what you/the people whose lives are being devestated by the flooding are going through right now, in real time. Absolutely understandable if you’re overwhelmed with the sheer destruction around you and pissed off. But the Trumps aren’t coming there to

i look forward to which of michelle obama’s remarks Melania chooses to go with when she makes her forced public statement

Hawt Taek.

I’m sorry, but I thought you meant “Hungry As Fuck.”

No one cares about your boner.

She’s a crackhead skinny skank. Dirty old man republicans love crackhead skinny skanks. All she needs is a shitty bleach job.

Let’s say she IS more comfortable in stilettos than flats, it is still in poor taste to go visit affected zones looking like this. It screams out of touch.

Since I’m not ungreyed on Splinter yet, I’ll put this here. If you haven’t donated yet and you have a little extra scratch to spare, send a few dolares to the Red Cross in Joel Osteen’s honor. We can do more than just laugh at Melania’s stupid heels or bitch about so-called Christians with more money than God who

This reminds me of the time my brother was in the ICU, dying of cancer and my dad and his bitch-of-a-trophy wife (my stepmother) finally deigned to visit him. My stepmother was dressed impeccably.

Yet there will still be a lot of people who look at Melania and say how classy she looks/is.

In those heels? Is she expecting to have to fight dinosaurs?

I would assume he assaulted her and then panicked when she made a fuss.

Read “Elephant in the Room” by Jon Ronson. It’s a longform article in kindle single form that may still be free. I never realized Ronson of all people had an inadvertent hand in making Alex Jones famous, but it’s a fascinating look at how the guy works and what his connections to Trump come from.

Yeah, she may have left him, but the point being that he was screwing around on her, and she’d reached her limit. The family-man act was just that, an act. What was on the air was the real guy.

I used to buy into the idea that Howard Stern was “just a character,” and believed all that Private Parts bullshit about what a good family man he was, how much he loved his wife. And then he left her for a younger, hotter model.

Sunflowers are also indigenous to North America.