
Trump was sworn in as president 2 full months ago. He was elected to the office two and a half months prior to that. I think there’s a statute of limitations as to how many victory laps a person can take, no?

This is fucking huge. Now imagine what the GOP would be doing if it was President Clinton under active investigation for this. They’d be crawling over their own children to investigate her.

“You just don’t understand how you come across! You just aren’t likeable! Try smiling more! Maybe you could go to lunch with some of your coworkers! Loosen up a bit!”

Stronger Together, same as Im With Her, a vague slogan that alludes to Donald Trump, it was free advertising for a shitbag. She ran against the single worst candidate in American history and felt that a slim lead meant that she was doing something right. She blew it.

I had a similar experience. In a previous job, I was covering my own job, my boss’ job (since he was a complete tool) and one of my coordinator’s jobs which took forever to refill. I was constantly stressed out doing three jobs and perpetually in a bad mood, but I got stuff done. And my staff really liked me alot (I

It’s important to remember what “likability” really means. Like you said, it’s an immeasurable quality which makes it a great code word that could stand for a range of things from abstract sexism (I’ve got nothing against women, there’s just something about her.) to more concrete objectification (She wouldn’t flirt

SEE: SARAH PALIN and the legions of horny white Republican men who voted for her.

My very first year at my current job, I was repeatedly told by my lead that I was doing well, maintaining the course, doing as expected, involved in a lot of things, and so on. Given this feedback, I fully expected to get some sort of reward at the end of the year.

Even if it doesn’t go back up on the Title IX issue, there’s still an Equal Protection question that IIRC has been on hold at the district court level since the Title IX appeal (or maybe it went to the Fourth Circuit and the Fourth chose not to rule on it because they resolved the case on Title IX grounds? I can’t

Fun fact: Lin cried while writing much of the second act of Hamilton. He moved himself to tears with his own story.

I really love and appreciate people who are very emotive, because I lack cognitive empathy and can never tell what fuckin’ emotions people feel. It’s so refreshing!

Find yourself someone who looks at you like Lin Manuel Miranda looks at everybody.

Occassionally, they’ll take a brunette with an updo, but she’s got to have that extra special mean girl sauciness...

Conservative feminism means looking a certain way: straight hair, preferably blonde, always at least shoulder-length. Lean body with long legs and big boobs. There’s a sickening uniformity to the look, regardless of age. It means power for oneself only, never giving a single fuck for other women. It means blaming

Sounds like she was allergic to starvation.

There is no context in which shaming a woman for having Diet Coke and turkey is okay. I mean unless she is deathly allergic to Diet Coke and turkey, he can fuck right off.

This fuckwad needs his career over, and this needs to happen years ago.

When I read about this, I wonder how many others are in the same situation as Kesha and just... do what they’re told, go along to get along, etc. Probably a lot. Dr. Luke is obviously not used to being bucked. What a fucked up situation.

This is such classic record producer shit. Phil Spector would pull the same power games and treat the women who were actually making the music as shit.

I made it through a couple of episodes (I’m adopted and a sucker for sappy adoption dramas) and there was a scene where they didn’t even try to make the fake ass babies not look like, well fake ass babies from the dollar store. They didn’t have them covered and their plastic little limbs were just all sprawled up in