Laura M. Browning

I mean, it was more of a wry chuckle… but yes. Just that one.

Yes, she does. She just really likes the song and also appreciated the "little words" and a Stephin Merritt book about little words.

I can only assume that Becca's incorrect remarks about KitchenAid mixers means that she doesn't want me to bring in any more cookies or brownies.

Ooops. We originally thought this piece would run first thing tomorrow morning. Fixed!

Kindred has been on my reading list for ages, but I still haven't gotten there yet. But the particular differences, as far I as I know, are that Freedom Maze is definitely written for a younger audience, and the main character is a white girl who is mistaken for black.

You don't have to have a Twitter account! You can just join us on the live chat right here — it's linked above, and will go live a little before 2:30 Central today. See you there?

Weird, I also learned to play the theme song on piano by ear.

You're welcome! It's definitely worth reading. I think he compacts some of the history a little *too* much, but I'm also not sure how else you'd be able to produce such a readable book. It's fascinating.

Yup, that's Birds of America! It's from the short story called "Real Estate."

I hosted my annual Oscar party, which featured My Week With Meringue, Albert HobNobs, Money(dough)balls, De-crescents, and The Brie Of Life. I don't know if I'll ever top the year I made Truman Chipotle Chili, or the year a friend made The Passion of the Crisp…