
I just don’t know how people can think she’s guilty with the preponderance of evidence available, but I do find it interesting. I just read a UK article on this same subject, and the comments directed at Amanda are extremely harsh. It’s interesting but in a way it’s also disturbing. These people let the media

I still can’t get over the fact that she looks like she saw a ghost. I half expected her to leap straight up, run in place in the air for a few seconds, then dash off with a cloud of dust in her wake.

Never forget.

The Statue of Liberty is falling. A sign of things to come?

But women are happiest when birthing children and staying in the home slaving away all day to serve their husbands!!! The men said so!

Sacred is a weird word to use in regards to a women’s very existence. I love my wife I love my marriage but it’s no fantasy, it takes hard work and I value it because of the happiness it brings me. To call a woman sacred like they were some ancient artifact, that’s the fucking problem. A woman is a woman is a woman,

Yeeeahhhhh. John Kelly and I were born the same year. We’re both 67. I don’t ever remember women being “sacred.” I do, however, remember being catcalled, harassed, fondled, called names, threatened, and paid less than the men I worked with. He and I are obviously remembering things differently. Gee, wonder why?

I’m grayed b/c I’ve only recently started commenting, so you won’t see my comment....but JFC. The infantilization is getting old.

It’s straight out of Benevolent Sexismville. He could go on tour with Mike Pence.

forgive my mansplain but...

thank you. we’re not goddamn mythical creatures or deities or little flowers or aliens we’re PEOPLE. it should not be this difficult.  

I don’t want to be sacred. I want men to keep their hands, and their laws, off my pussy. You think you’re helping, Kelly, but you’re not.

I don’t think they’re dating, but I’m pretty sure ScarJo has the worst taste in men.

No, he was married to the DA from L&O SVU. I think he cheated with his assistant and with that lady who overprounounces her Italian words.

no, but trumpito likely imagines it on the regular.

I am a burn survivor (I have discussed aspects of my story in Gawker/Jez over the past decade from time to time). I was burned, third degree over 75% of my body in a housefire/ explosion in 2000. I spent the next ten years undergoing over 120 surgeries (countless reconstructions, grafts, neurological reconstructions,

Trump flat out doesn’t like Gold Star Families. It’s a weird tic that he has; my theory is that they make him feel shame — er, the emotion that approximates shame for his family — and this is why he is hostile to them. He knows that he has never sacrificed anything, and likely never will.

Now now... Who are you going to believe? A fallen soldier’s grieving family or a man with a history of lying and a documented history of attacking the grieving family of a fallen soldier?

Are you joking? trump could start World War III in a fit of pique. Pence is predictable evil. We can work against Pence, but we have to live through trump first.

Or on purpose.