Elle Carter Neal

- So, colour me baffled. How did they go from a phone call from Delphine telling Ferdinand that Rachel’s alive and Neolutionists are behind everything, to Ferdie realising without a doubt that his henchman was a Neolutionist?

Yes! I was wondering the same thing. She accepted her death sentence, whereas Leakey tried to run when given the same warning. I wonder if she was mercy-killed because of the "infection" (or "cleaned" by Ferdinand before she could spread it… in which case why the hell did she kiss Cosima?!) Gah. This is going to,

"Hi, is that Jesse's Towing? We have a broken down car that needs towing. Oh, and could you park outside the garage and just wait. Thanks-a-doodle!"

Yes, Cosima said "older sister"; I'm going with Cosima, cos she rulez.

I think remove one comma: Donnie is the General, and Mrs S is the deadly badass.

Plus that dinner party took two days…

To provide (a still-unknown) new skill set to the Clone Club? Who knows what she can really do…

I would like to see them being granted a few more episodes per season (say 15?) to capture a bit more of the stuff that they have had to gloss over in the other seasons (like how Felix didn't get snuffed in London) and giving them more leeway to show the fun interactions that aren't really plot-related.

My heart, liver, and gizzards will not survive such a demented twist. I.e., I hope you're wrong. (Cool theory, though).

They have Kendall now, though - so the embryos are probably a moot point for that purpose… who knows for what other purpose, however :-/


So the solution for writers and directors working with her from here on out is to write and shoot the Epic-Michelle-Forbes-Death-Scene first and then work backwards from there…

How about just one more episode where she's rescued by Sarah?

I'm hoping she's still alive so Sarah can rescue her (returning the favour, so to speak).

I called the manicure tip-off straight away after whatever episode Nealon kidnapped Krystal in. So I was very surprised when Delphine looked at the nails and then said, "Rachel?" and not "Krystal?"


Oh, that's very exciting. I've been wondering whether there might be more to Felix's backstory and how and why he ended up with Mrs S. It would be such a waste if he were just random and co-incidental.

To echo what others have already said: a huge thank you to A.V. Club, Caroline, and all you awesome commenters for making the second half of the Orphan Black experience (for me the show is never over until I've read the review and all the comments here <3 ). This is only the second show I watch that has been screened

Little birdie on the Internet says the new investigator for Lockhart-Argos will be played by a Julianna Margulies lookalike… ;-)

Just thought of something: I wonder if the Kendall Malone reveal means Siobhan can donate bone marrow to Cosima, instead of Kira…