MRA's and PUA's, the new domestic terrorists.
If it's their senior year and they're graduating it seems like a pretty big achievement, don't you think?
I think it's an accomplishment to stay in school as a teen parent and graduate.
Go to beach. Apply a coat of nail polish. Sprinkle sand over the top.
Look on the bright side. You can use your nails to file your other nails.
I imagine removing this is similar to removing glitter polish...dreadful and disastrous.
It's all fun and games until you accidentally gnaw your fingernails off while eating Cheetos.
I was v. disappointed that we did not see any schlong in the scene with Dany and then in the very next scene, there were titties galore. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DEMAND EQUALITY
From Nashville to Orphan Black to GOT, it's all about the FLY Dutchman
>Our intern is an idiot
>We confused the image and posted the wrong one
>Taken out of context
>Take a joke
>Internal error
This is like the only post ever where this would be an appropriate comment.
Someone once wrote on yelp that I was off-putting because I walked too quietly.
I've actually been pleasantly surprised at the discourse on there. You get a few trolls but they get downvoted fast, so it's mostly a bunch of awesome ladies upvoting a bunch of awesome posts. I imagine a lot of dudes don't even click on it.
To stave off the inevitable flow of MRAs. There is literally no place for women to gather on the internet without shit ton of misogynists following. Men on the other hand only have to deal with really obvious and much more scarce misandry trolls. So, I welcome pushing out anyone that hates women.
I'm dying of anticipa....
This is actually one of my favorite ways to repel aggressive douchenozzles in bars and whatnot. After a few nice, "No, thank you. I'm very flattered, but no." I just start in on "Well, I'm on my period and I swear to God the clots I am passing are chipmunk sized. Adult chipmunks. And the gushing??? It's like a crime…
Those comments are the best. "OMG, I pooped on my baby!!"
Is it just me, or does this article stop rather
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