Seriously. I had an eating disorder in college, and if some guy had touched my stomach uninvited, I'd have been down to 400 calories a day while sobbing in my dorm room for a week.
Seriously. I had an eating disorder in college, and if some guy had touched my stomach uninvited, I'd have been down to 400 calories a day while sobbing in my dorm room for a week.
Ugh, don't give them any more ideas.
I tried to learn how to waltz. That shit is hard. Either that or hubby and I can't count to 3. I still maintain that it's hard.
If you type "words who" into Google, literally the first autopopulate is "words whose meaning has changed."
Ooh I do like this one!
Or just no calling it rape, because as long as you don't use that word, it doesn't count.
So. much. better. Thank you for going there...
Oh there are so many directions they could have gone with this. The GOP Transvaginal Vibrator. The Eric Cant-fuck-her. Perfect Pitch McConnell. Ted Cruz To Ecstacy. Michelle B-ahhhhhh-chmann.
Eh, it bothers me less now, since they passed that bill guaranteeing back pay. My husband is furloughed, but we can make things work knowing that his paycheck is still coming.
Can we name this Hillary's Law or something? I know it's not a new phenomenon by any means, but there should be a term for misogynistic, hate-mongering old white guys who are so scared about losing their perceived white male privilege that they resort instanty to body shaming/ad hominem attachs because they have no…
There are no statements being made about female sexual power, it's not a commentary on culture or art, it doesn't raise questions about How We Live Now.
No I'm not sitting at my desk crying, why do you ask?
Well I just ran past there about an hour ago... whee...
Aww you think I'm pretty?! Wait, damnit...
Ooh! I know, I know! The answer is it's going to cost a lot LESS, because 20% of our population accounts for 80% of our health care spending, and this law does a lot to address that 20%. Oh, you didn't want facts? You wanted your white male supremacy confirmed because otherwise the black guy might win and the…
Ohmygod this. Hubby and I are considering getting pregnant, and the one conversation I keep having over and over (even though he agrees, but I still want to talk about it AGAIN justtomakesure) is if something goes wrong, you save ME, not the fetus.
Well fortunately when the wrong word got stuck in the wrong place, Rick Perry had ways to shut that whole thing down. (With continued belligerent ignorance.)
Well said.
Obama offered 18 olive branches. 18 conference offers to negotiate since April 23. Let me repeat that number again, just for good effect: 18. Eighteen. The Republicans turned down every. single. one.
Ugh. I'm so sorry. My husband is furloughed, too. We can survive off my salary, assuming absolutely nothing goes wrong (our 12 year old truck with the loose CV joint doesn't fall apart, the ancient water heater doesn't blow, the dog/husband doesn't get sick/hurt, my hip injury gives up and heals itself...) but it's…