Elle Bound

Why. Why are women getting famous for being spineless doormats? Why is this a thing? Fuck you all, I'm going back to work at my high-paying, satisfying job, and then I'm going home to my husband, who appreciates me as a person and does all the damned laundry and usually does the cooking so I can go ride my horse.

Is Melissa Gorga divorced yet? She'd be perfect for this guy.

We've crashed his website :(

Here, wait, I'll save the entire GOP the trouble... "SLUTS!! NO TO SLUTS HAVING SEX!! SEX BAD!!1! umm... babies, but SLUUUUUUTTTTSSS!!!!1!!1!"

Oh we're talking about Kate Middleton again? Fabulous, I'd still like her hair, please. Someone make that happen.

And I will vomit all over your shoes, so we'll be even :)

I'm a sneaky DC metro eater. I get horrible, horrible motion sickness on the stupid metro, so I carry crackers with me, and I'm also hypoglycemic so sometimes I've just gotta eat something.

I know :( Poe's law ... you just can't say something so ridiculous that some religious wingnut hasn't already thought of it.

But sperms meet eggs all the time without implanting. Does that mean every woman who gets her period after having unprotected sex should be prosecuted for manslaughter?

“very accomplished individual”

!!! Don't apologize, they might send her back.

In elementary school, we had to learn about the Rodney King beating. Being white, I was one of the police officers who pretended to beat a black student with a foam bat. I remember lurking at the back of the crowd of police officers and then getting yelled at for not really participating.

I don't get it. I watched the trailer, and I still don't know what the 'movement' is. Is it a movement to co-opt and demean cultures of which you're not a part? A movement to prove that spoiled, over-indulged rich white girls can get away with a lot of stupid shit, especially if they show a lot of skin? A movement to

I'm a gun owner (a gold-plated .22 - SUPER cute) and this shit just drives me nuts. My dad was a gun safety instructor, and I'm actually a responsible gun owner who is for MORE restrictions. In Texas, it was easier to get a gun than a driver's license. Ugh.

Ahh ok. That makes sense. I definitely read it in the judgey 'I'm not giving this to you if you're an unChristian slut!' way. Glad it wasn't!

What on earth have you been Googling? Wait, better yet, don't tell me.

I'm barely a C cup on a good day.

Why on earth would he 'have' to ask that? I can't see how it would be any of the pharmacist's business...