Honey Bee's Roundhouse Kick

Diversity in marketing is the peanuts racist institutions have successfully reduced the entire racial equality movement down to. Like we used to have social programs and laws that tackled the incredible disparity between white and POC, and they were effectively reducing the gap and improving life conditions for

“As two white women leading this company, we are committed to doing the lifelong work of addressing our own white fragility – the discomfort we’ve inherited as white people when dealing with racial stress –

In their email to membership, the Wing’s Gelman and Kassan wrote that “we failed to resolve [the incident] in a way that made either side feel supported,” adding that they’ll “work to improve our own internal processes and policies,”

People of means get sweetheart deals from prosecutors every day of the yeay, but this is the one a special prosecutor gets put on?

Dumbass racist trolls.

And how many fake police reports filed by the CPD have been investigated?

relatively certain that if you look up the word BITCH you’ll most likely find a photograph of Meghan McCain. She is insufferable. And so very smug.

Doug Jones only won because Black Women came out and voted for him in droves and put him just over the top. 

“Housing is too affordable” is one wild-ass statement to make, even behind an anonymous internet name.

Her pain is so visceral I can feel it through my screen. So called “Stand Your Ground” laws are a license to murder period. That the victims are minorities, these laws will continue to flourish.

Think about the recent Boulder Cop who drew his weapon on a man with a bucket and a trash picker-upper.  If a trained police

Dear Amy Klobuchar,

I’m surprised they didn’t get Devin Nunes to oversee this ‘investigation’.

The irony of making fun of a system of beliefs that is completely irrational and faith-based, in support of another faith-based and oft-irrational system of beliefs...

The outrage to suggest that the Judeo-Christian religions borrow from older mythologies, without acknowledging the reality that they DO...

I am against ethno-centric nationalism. Period. I am not anti Christians because I do not think America is a Christian country. 

What is this ageist bullshit? Surely you must be aware of how many young people are poisoned by online nonsense. Jordan Peterson alone is proof of that. And corners of the internet far worse than him. Old people are hardly alone in being susceptible in this regard. 

He sounds like a nut but you put being anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic in the same breath here several times as if they are both abhorrent. Being anti-Semitic IS abhorrent, being anti-Zionist is not. I get real tired of the two being conflated as if criticizing Israel necessarily means one is a bigot. It’s bullying and

Hold on, let’s not pretend that learning how to be as stupid and confused as fuck on the internet is somehow more common in Olds. I am an Old. One of my also-Old boyfriend’s pastimes is watching YouTube and gleefully making me listen to the sheer amount of crazy, uninformed, uneducated beliefs that you can find out

Live Alice Walker alone. Please go and end the massive, destructive, and with power behind it racism and discrimination in your own communities before you turn your eyes to Alice Walker.

Yeah, they were either lying to you or themselves. They were always going to vote Republican. Them saying that is just cover and virtue signalling.

Not a word from the Blue Lives corner. They aren’t going to ride for Noor either because Blue Lives Matter == White Lives Matter. They’re gonna throw his ass under the jail for shooting a white woman.