Honey Bee's Roundhouse Kick

So major concern is "we can't let her be painted to light" not "we shouldn't tolerate the targeted harrassment of individuals via internet brigading" 

“Mansplaining” is the presumption by a man that a woman implicitly knows less than he does about a topic, and the subsequent expounding by him of details that she either already knows or knows to be incorrect. It’s never been just “men professing expertise in women’s matters”.

This is just so insane. What she said about TB is no where near as offensive as what’s in this tweet. Literally any time a woman disagrees with you people you lose your shit. Pathetic.

The fact that you think this is so horrible proves how goddamn entitled you are. You run around making sexist/racist remarks, but the minute someone actually stands up to you you fucking melt. 

Did she overreact to this one instance? Should she have just ignored the critique? Maybe, but that’s what microaggressions do to people. You go for years trying to let them roll off your back, and then in a moment when your guard is down you find that years of frustration are suddenly vented at some inopportune moment.

One thing this article leaves out is that she used to work at Paizo before having to leave due to all the harassment she got for being a woman in nerdbro space. She’s been steeped in hostile nerd/gamer culture for a long time, having to prove herself and deal with people telling her she knows nothing with a smile,

It’s so easy for people who enjoy the hard work of hundreds of hard-working individuals to forget that it’s actual flesh and blood people who make the things they consume.

I’m just gonna put this out there:

Price may have “gone overboard” in a single comment, but we are not privy to the amount of shit she’s had to field from entitled fans who assume they know better than she how to write the material she is paid to create.

I generally enjoy getting feedback on my work from my friends—but

I don’t get how they characterized Price and Fries’ responses as attacking the community. She called out what she perceived as people telling her how to do her job. There weren’t insults thrown around. Who was attacked? How is this a fireable offense? I think her response was a bit harsh but she didn’t attack anyone.

ArenaNet can go fuck themselves too for caving to trolls.

Wow. Those fans can go fuck themselves.

Hells bells. Noone comes out of this looking good, but ArenaNet royally fucked up here.

Nope. Got any other easy questions for me to answer?

Welp, you can add ArenaNet to my list of companies I won’t do business with.

Not in the slightest. 

I too, also, as well, am guilty of the noble behavior of my fellow Guild Wars fans. You see, it is our job, as the role of the Consumer, to tell people with careers how and why the way they do their job is bad. Yesterday I took the jacket from my Rick and Morty costume (I see a lot of myself in Rick, in case you

The Guild Wars 2 subreddit is now bragging about getting both of these writers fired and have literally said they can probably get any other ArenaNet employee fired if they put up a big enough stink.

What ArenaNet did was completely shameful and sets a terrible precedent in this industry. And people wonder why there’s

I am an attorney, if I posted online how difficult it is to balance out creating a compelling story to keep the finder of fact engaged against putting forth the law in a comprehensive manner and some asshat that watches CSI tried to correct me, I would be well within my rights to tell them to get bent using whatever

Yeah, I thought her reaction to the original tweet seems unwarranted given what we have to go on, but it’s got nothing on the angry mob afterwards. It’s like if you were to call me a jerk and I responded by burning your house down and murdering your family and everybody were to tell you “Well, why’d you call him a

Sounds like folks couldn’t deal with her criticism of Deroir’s condescension and idiocy.