I thought Cheetolini declared n words fair game?! Why am I going to jail! Piece of shits ruined a baby’s birthday and terrified a family for hatred.
I thought Cheetolini declared n words fair game?! Why am I going to jail! Piece of shits ruined a baby’s birthday and terrified a family for hatred.
And considering the police have a well-known habit of sending in fake plainclothes agent provocateur “protesters” into the midst of a peaceful crowd to stir up an excuse for arrests, I imagine they’ll have no qualms whatsoever about sending one of their own people to break a window and then have an excuse to prosecute…
Nah, you can hear that old asshole on the phone with the police at one point and he can get fucked. Talking about 15 people ganging up on his son. More like jr high kids!!!
Yeah except that argument loses all credibility when all he had to do was let go of the kid.
Not pictured: any valid reason to discharge a firearm into a crowd of children, you enormous fucking moron.
Only reason people carry guns on their persons is because they are looking for a confrontation. This dude was itching for one. No other reason.
Yeah, if only minorities would bow and scrape to white men in deference and abject acquiesce of the social ladder — even when said white men are acting like violent shitheads then everything would be hunky dory, amirite??? GTFOOHWTBH.
Yep, like Zimmerman, he was looking for a fight and grabbed the gun as insurance that he wouldn’t lose the fight that he himself picked.
1. Without video evidence, these two boys would get criminal records that could socially and economically cripple them for life. They still might.
However - and I say this as a American of Latino heritage whose family has lived in LA area for ages
I can’t help but roll my eyes at the OP prefacing the comment with mentioning being Latino, like that would somehow make it a-okay to place some blame on these kids.
Yeah, I see a distinct lack of identifying himself as a cop.
Nothing says get off my lawn more than dragging a kid onto your lawn.
So those kids were just supposed to left officer fuckhead grab a kid, drag him across property lines against his will, and hope it turned out okay?
Oh I’m sure it’s not that simple. Obviously there are two sides to every story. But say this kid was indeed a complete asshole who took great delight in sullying a freshly sodded lawn. And maybe he told the cop to fuck off the first 20 times the cop tried talking to him. That still doesn’t warrant pulling a gun and…
I find it highly suspect that he had it tucked into his waistband like that, too. If this idiot wanted to carry his gun off-duty, then I’m pretty sure it should have been properly holstered on a belt with his badge beside it. Not sure what the protocol for off-duty cops is in Cali though. Likely he grabbed it last…
Unfortunately, they’re already in a “program” - the police. Not particularly effective, of course.
So this guy fucked up in all kinds of ways. He created the entire situation, pulled his gun, then shot it, either accidentally or on purpose. I’m so sick of people with power thinking they can do whatever in the fuck they want to other people.
For the same reason George Z. They want to fight but don’t want to lose the fight and they will prevent it by any means necessary.
He was acting as a “witness,” protecting the interests of the trog with the gun. And if the boy had been ‘accidentally’ shot he would have sworn on a stack of bibles that the kid had it coming.