Honey Bee's Roundhouse Kick

Um, Clinton got 88% of the Black vote and Trump only 8%. Black women voted HRC at 93%. 54% of white women voted Trump. 63% of white men voted for Trump.

As a transwoman of color, NOTHING enrages me more than some entitled rich white boy prick trying to convince people that *I’M* the problem, NOT the abusers and the rapists and the sexual molesters.

Breaking News: Racist Invites Racist Onto His Television Show.

To me it’s another example of a white woman taking something from a woman of color and getting accolades for it, when women of color are under represented and people who look like Karlie Kloss are represented in spades

The repeated erasure of actual POC from depictions of their culture is racist. And I don’t understand parsing words in that way. A system of racial oppression can absolutely be referred to as racism. The same way a system of oppressing an entire gender is sexism.

“[Karlie Kloss] appeared in the pages of Vogue’s diversity issue dressed like a geisha.”

I don’t know. Thinking another race’s culture is yours for the taking kind of implies that you think their people are beneath you.

“not culturally sensitive”

So a person changed their mind? Holy shit, let’s throw them a fucking parade. OR, hey, here’s an idea, focus on the cause of the problem and reach out to the people who haven’t shown themselves to be reprehensible pieces of shit?

So you think folks like Deray McKesson and all other BLM supporters are sitting on trust funds? What about the people who participated in the Civil Rights Movement? Were they all rich folks doing the sit-ins and marches? Your racism is making you delusional. Not being rich does not stop anyone from doing the damn

Yeah, I think the fellow in the video is commendable to put his personal sanity (and safety) on the line to try and reform people, but I certainly don’t think any POC should feel obliged to go that route. :-/

I wonder if he told any of the Klan members they were worthless because they were drop outs? Hmmm...

Yeah, I have absolutely ZERO room for respectability politics, especially nowadays. We have no room to “play nice” when it comes to intolerance or to coddle people about it. And I’m fucking sick of the onus being on POC to risk their mental health and well-being to stop racists.

People aren’t in the goddamn KKK simply because they haven’t met enough nice Black people and haven’t had people logically explain why racism is wrong. People change, but rarely, and not usually in drastic ways.

What? You have to have a trust fund to be an activist? There are plenty of people out here doing the work in pursuit of social justice who have far less than these white rural plumbers, electricians, and shop owners.

...he calmly exposes the logistical shortcomings of these racists (who often would rather not be referred to as such)...

I particularly hate that one because it seems so dehumanizing and absurd. There AREN’T green people so this is completely irrelevant, but there ARE black people who are directly impacted by this shit.

I heard about this nonsense some time ago and noped the hell out of it.

Good for Davis. Too bad he literally played the played-out respectability politics crap with another African-American. He pretty much wrecked his own street credibility demanding more from other blacks than he demands from active Klansmen. “Respect(able)/reverent” to many is a dog whistle for other minorities to pipe

The best part of that was that he wanted a thank you on behalf of dead white people who ended slavery but he refused to accept any responsibility on behalf of dead white people who enslaved people.