
My ex-husband, at least while I was married to him. Because he felt less manly or something if he didn't get me off just through the power of his mighty meat-rod. Which of course never happened.

I'm a bit thrown by all the responses saying she's a prude/childish or whatever. Imo when someone masturbates next to you in bed they're basically involving you in a sex act, which is something you should be able to consent to, or refuse consent to. Being in a long-term, live-in relationship has boundaries, just as

I am of the opinion that if anyone wakes me up in the middle of the night for anything less then a genuine emergency, I have a right to be angry about it. I think she was wrong to tell him it was gross, but he was wrong to do something that could wake up a sleeping partner. If my (non existent) boyfriend woke me up in

It's one thing if it's a shared bed in a relationship, but YOUR bed when you barely know the guy? Ruuuude.

I completely agree, it really only becomes an issue if one person is doing it so furiously that that other can't sleep. I find it weird that so many people believe masturbation is wrong when you're in a relationship - sometimes it is just quicker and easier and sometimes you know your partner is not in the mood and

Am I really the only one that thinks that maybe he could've done his biz in the shower instead? There have been times when either my partner or I was out of commission (for various reasons). We haven't talked about it explicitly, but we have roughly equal sex drives - I feel safe in assuming he took care of himself

My issue would be being woken up, not the wacking off. I'd be all like, "Be more quiet and less jerky asshole. You fucking woke me up!" But, I have insomnia that involves staying asleep all night, so I can be a real bitch about getting woken up.

That's complete ridiculous. A visitor ,especially one whom I assume is opposite sex, should never masturbate in your presence without your permission. I'm a dumb, crazy man and I'd never do some shit like that.

When I first read this, I thought he was fucking the desk chair. Like masturbating with the chair. And I thought, "What does that desk chair got that I haven't got?"

You should start wiping your dick on her incredibly soft hand towels then bring up the wet towels when she freaks out on you about it. -Girlfriend whose boyfriend did this.

"stroke stroke stroke your boat, gently down the fap. Fappity fappity fapppity fap. Life is but a FAP."

Real talk. Until 3 months ago I lived in an extremely petite, basically studio apartment. I had enough room for my bed bed, a dining area, and a living room/office area. I also had an inflatable full size mattress. I've had a few out of state friends visit that apartment over the years and that full mattress was

I'm down for whatever, as long as I don't wake up to a flurry of twat mist in a forest of cock shafts.

I just say with increasing volume, "fap fap Fap FAP FAP FAP FAP". It usually gets a laugh out of him.