Elle Pas

 A banner over her school?! Poor kid.

Tarantino chose money and success over his close friend (Daryl Hannah) and his girlfriend Mira Sorvino. Weinstein had said in an interview on The Howard Stern Show last year that he’s the only producer that’ll green light Quentin’s scripts sight unseen... Tarentino was Weinstein’s golden goose. Quentin knew

Wasn’t the $100k donated to an abused women’s shelter? Rose didn’t keep the settlement money.

Yet she’s playing the ‘Poor me, I’m just a woman’ card.... yeah, quite the feminist.

Kathy Griffin needs to stfu and take responsibility for herself. She’s a constant victim. This is simply another attempt at publicity, this time for her tour. Typical. She’s wearing the dress she wore for the Trump photo. Calculated hack.

I wanted to love it, but have been disappointed thus far.

This is ridiculous. Stick to outing people who have actually committed a crime. The horrible memories of Seagal in a robe... ? Last time I checked that wasn’t a crime... hardly even inappropriate, especially in eccentric Beverly Hills.

When did La Croix become trendy? I live in the state it’s made, yet it’s not the least bit trendy here... not that I’ve noticed, at least. It’s bothersome now that I know this cheap sparkling water is popular among the most annoying demographic. Personally, I don’t like canned water, so they can have it.

You obviously aren’t Jewish.

Since when are Jews white? Nice try.