'Stangy Leg

1967 Chevelle SS...and it can’t be a resto-mod...dad hates those! His whole life he has wanted a Corvette too...so it’s looking more likely that I can swing a preowned vette over the original Chevelle.

Looks like an utterly fantastic way to be sent to the motorcycle track in the sky.

Personally I love the F50. Feel like the only one sometimes....so lonely

That’s a handsome car. 8/8 i would drive.

The NB could have gone off the NA formula. It didn’t but the NA was still a tough act to follow.

i’m still surprised that anyone liked the styling on this:

with the original miata being such a huge success and paradigm shift the sequel had some big shoes to fill

I just noticed on the southeast side of Ellington on Google maps you can see the NASA 747 that carried the shuttle taken apart.

They benchmarked the best aspects of the Mustang design. Mainly the ease of flying, high maneuverability, high thrust to weight ratio, and most importantly the great visibility.

Amazing, given that the F-16 was designed in the seventies. General Dynamics used the P-51 as a benchmark, arguably the best fighter of WW2.

Can it at least do a barrel roll? I can’t imagine needing anything more.

So many glorious A-10’s!!

These responses had some good points, of course take with 1.0gr of salt since they are all uncited:

i agree. you should never mess with a man’s automobile, but the guy in the truck is a cunt. the guy in the bimmer wasn’t hurting anyone taking extra space in the back of a mostly empty parking lot. he probably went a little far in hitting the guys mirror off, but i can’t blame a guy for getting angry at such an

Exactly. The truck driver in this case was just completely missing the point. They don’t put dumpsters or FedEx boxes in the first space in the lot. This was probably at the back.

Seriously. There’s obviously plenty of room to park. If somebody wants to act like an asshole, don’t join them and act like an asshole yourself.

People with OCD, that’s who. I can’t relax if I know there are cars out there that are straddling the lines, not sitting nicely between them.

I’ll be honest, I’m curious to see how many people share this opinion. Genuinely curious, no judgement.

Who the fuck cares if someone takes up two spaces? Mind you own business and get a life.