Yeah but doesn't this template apply to a shit ton of games?
Yeah but doesn't this template apply to a shit ton of games?
There's also the fact her show sucks.
Why do you assume her "haters" dislike that she is young, smart, female, wealthy and successful when you acknowledge that she says really stupid, assholish things all the time? Why is her apparently being a total asshole not reason enough to dislike her?
as some have pointed out, the worst part is that she compared Bynes to Hannah Horvath, pretty much making it about her.
WOMEN........BUZZKILl??????? WHAT IS THIS NEW JOKE I HAVE NEVER HEARD BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys. I get why I'm supposed to stop hating Lena Dunham so much. She gets a disproportionate amount of criticism for being outspoken and not having Hollywood looks and being brave enough to present female antiheroes and so on. But why does she have to be so awful all the time? "I'm not crazy, it's the world that's…
If my mother didn't have an abortion, I wouldn't exist.
Sometimes it is an easy decision. Sometimes there are no emotions involved at all. I feel for women that struggle with it.
Me when I left my ex husband: I can't do this anymore.
Look, this is really bothering me: what the hell is this bozo's name? Is it Lutfi or Lufti? I see it spelled both ways all over the place, and I, for one, would like a straight answer. I think we're all owed that, Mark. How am I supposed to sharpie enraged placards telling him to fuck off and eat mud if I can't even…
Given that Bynes also stated that the microchip in her brain made her accuse her father of molestation, I'd say that it'd probably be prudent to remember that she is very unwell and that those accusations are not coming from someone who appears to have a strong grasp on reality right now. She may indeed have been…
You thought "@amandabynes: My dad never did any of those things The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me" was a coherent tweet?
I always thought the nudity is what made it so great!
So my college had a 'bedtime stories' tradition, where in the seniors read their favorite bedtime story to the froshlings. It was cute. I read "Richard Scaary's Color Book" aka "Mr. Paint Pig", including my plush Mr. Paint Pig (who is really just the mason pig from The Three Little Pigs). There was always a nice…
I second The Giving Tree. Depressing as crap. Does no one else realize that the tree is in an abusive relationship with the boy? (Only half kidding about this... Seriously eff that boy, he was a wretch.)
The night my otherwise obscenely-affectionate-to-everyone dog went borderline Kujo (low growl, ears back, gaze locked) on a large drunk dude stumbling towards us down the street was secretly one of my prouder moments. While I know it's not foolproof, it would seem that the dude 'gets it' in terms of threatening…
Holy shit, I have chills racing up and down my entire body right now. I wish deeply and fervently that this was a start to some "catfished Halloween series" on Jez, because it is fucking terrifying.