
I’ve been told that I’m the field trip Jedi Master. I’ve been asked to group lead on trips for Girl Scouts, and I somehow get kids under control. It usually doesn’t take more effort than it requires to corral my own kid, but I’ve had troop leaders thank me for my “prowess”. Gee, good to know. That’s why I’m not having

This x 1000. I grew up with a great uncle in my family who raped at least 2 of his sons and possibly a 3rd on top of molesting or attempting to molest several other family members, myself included. Damn near everyone has a “funmy uncle” but like you said, dudes love to act ignorant as fuck on the subject.


Truth. All of the men who have abused me were people I knew. Family, friends etc. These same men also don’t think they did anything wrong.

I don’t trust men to check men. I trust me to be loud and belligerent if I’m approached or get rapey vibes. My finger has pressed the 9 and the 1, the next move better be his/a right move.

She absolutely is not. She is more like me. She’s just taking the weight right now.

I’m sorry that people felt the need to voice their thoughts on your relationship with your mother. I don’t think anyone, including your sister, truly knows all the complicated feelings you must have toward your mother and should not take it upon themselves to tell you what you should & should not do. My heart goes out

I hear you Natalie, loud and clear.

Whatever you choose to do about all of this - grace, mercy or cold-turkey - I just really appreciate you sharing such a personal story with us. Both of these pieces are written so thoughtfully and eloquently. And they both left me teary-eyed and heartbroken. Love and mom-hugs to you.

First, I want to say.. Sis, I’m so sorry that happened to you...These are numerous fucked up encounters and I’m glad at least one person albeit a white woman took you seriously and helped you.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’ve been there and it just sucks. One of my kid’s preschool teachers once told me that you have to put on your own oxygen mask first, in order to be capable of helping anyone else. Meaning- take care of yourself first & foremost. It’s not selfish, it’s self-preservation.

there was a substantial number of people who felt that because it was my mother, I should get over it.

Jesus Natalie. You are right, of course. Stopping the assault on womanhood is at times like trying to put out a wild fire by spitting on it but i suppose with enough people spitting it could be possible. It is a fight that men and women check out of and we can’t. We just need to do better.

Your mental health comes before any familial allegiance. The fact her own grandchildren don’t warrant a reevaluation of her personal politics is enough for you not to concern yourself with her feelings.

Painful, painful truth. Salute.

I read a post on ESPN from some Green Beret that wondered why America is so fractured right now and never seemed to get how hard White folk’s whitefolkin’ is on the rest of us. I’ve stopped with the NFL because I just can’t see past it. I guess you’re going through the same thing with your mom. White folks gon white

This is beautiful, beautifully written, beautifully felt. A difficult relationship with your mom is a difficult relationship and, unless she respects you, unless she sees you as a person worthy of respect, there will always be a pebble in your shoe. And hers. And there is nothing you can do about it. I had a similar

If you were a child of a physically or sexually abusive parent, no one would be telling you to basically get over it. When you engage in an action that you know will hurt your child, that child has a right to steer clear of you for some time or forever depending on the severity of the action.

I just want to hug you PDJ!!!! I understand and feel your pain. Sending you love

Bear with me as I try to phrase this correctly....