
Jezebel got a shout out on Will and Grace tonight! About 9 minutes in, Tony (Anthony Ramos) asks Grace “It’s cool for a bakery to refuse to make a MAGA cake but not a gay cake?” and Grace replies “It’s a totally different situation. People on Jezebel have explained why. At length. Which is why I didn’t read it. It was

First of all, trans men are men, not women.

Im a trans woman with a vagina. What now?

A good go at it? Your input?

The owner was aware, that was where she initially put the dog carrier. This has been widely reported and Jezebel’s report is seriously lacking in details. If you click on any other links, it becomes obvious that there is a definite reason United has already come forward with a statement claiming full responsibility.

That’s not what happened. This has been widely reported (on Kinja alone it’s been reported separately on at least three sites) and the dog was not being smuggled aboard. According to multiple witnesses, the dog was in an airline-approved carrier and originally placed under the seat—per regulations—by its owner.

Um, if someone told me to put my dog in the bin, I’d be like, “Yo there is a dog in there.”

They knew. Jez chose to link to the shittiest article about this. Other passengers are posting on social media how they all knew. The dog was barking when they put it in the overhead bin and continued to do so for awhile. They wouldn’t allow the owner to get up and check on it because there was turbulence on the

The owner and other passengers argued with the flight attendant about it. But the flight attendant assured them it was safe.

They did. Even the other passengers let the flight attendant know. They argued about it, and in the end they still told her to put the dog there and assured them that it’d be safe.  

Actually she did pay the fee. It says so in the linked article.

People saying this is partially the dog’s owner fault for complying with this absurd order of flight attendants has certainly not been following the news on what happens to people who doesn’t put up with abusive demands of power tripping air crews.

The girl playing Kate looks like a Dugger.

Fuck that. My 6-year-old uses air quotes with “President” anytime she says his name.

She doesn’t particularly have that reputation, but, still, a few times a year certainly beats every damn weekend.

Yes, and what they’re probably not saying here is that the restauranteur intends to turn it into a fancy hotel and nightclub. It’s on a quiet residential cul-de-sac, and the neighbors are not pleased.

Yesterday, 89-year-old Sister Catherine Rose Holzman collapsed in the courtroom and was pronounced dead.

When you join a thoroughly misogynistic organization in order to project some kind of bullshit moral high ground, you really don’t get to complain when the men tell you to do stuff. That’s literally what you signed up for. After probably decades of telling women who aren’t nuns that they’re whores for showing an

Yes. The best part is that they don’t own the property they’re trying to sell.