
Your brand of discourse is worse than useless. How can you defend anti-semitism while simultaneously playing the victim based on your race? And what difference does it make that the women’s march isn’t predominantly Jewish? It’s not predominantly black either, but I’m sure you’d be pissed if it was led by a white

Me, broke: antisemitism is bad

Looking back on it, you can see the red flag in Cosby’s hyper-fixation on virginity. For example, when Denise elopes and comes home, Cliff asks his new son-in-law if his daughter was a virgin on their wedding night. When the SIL confirmed she was, Cliff has this creepy grin on his face. (I think it was meant to be

My point is that Farrakhan is a virulent anti-Semite with quotes like

Ok, I don’t support Benjamin Netanyahu or Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people.

Aw, man. You edited your first comment to be a lot more contextual. No fair!

KimYe also aren’t leaders of a major intersectional movement. Regardless of your stance on Tamika Mallory, how are the two even remotely comparable?

Upon initially seeing that Christ-themed image of Bieber, I thought it was a random smelly dude who had rubbed mud all over himself. Upon closer inspection, I realized I wasn’t far off the mark.

This is hilarious because out here in the real world, black women earn almost 70% of all higher education degrees earned by black students. And yet, in this imaginary world black men have created, so many black women are ghetto and pregnant and stupid, that, gosh, how are all these educated black men supposed to find

Also, semi related: when I was moving out of my (now ex-) husband’s house, he had piled all of my belongings in the living room like the real class-act that he is, refused to help me load the car, etc. and when the final load was packed and I turned around to say goodbye... he gave me Super Puppy Eyes and asked me

calling it “unpatriotic” …

My god. Throw the whole school away.

You’d have to be a real sick f*ck to think it’s even remotely appropriate to display a lynching in an elementary school.

Did they pay her on time and in accordance with labor laws? Did they require her to work a reasonable number of hours? Did they refrain from verbally or physically harassing her? Did they expect her to perform work reasonably within her job description, or offer to pay her extra for additional duties? It sounds like

Sending your kid to private school on a part time nanny salary is an idiotic financial decision because even people who can actually afford that expense don’t all agree it’s justified. There are plenty of excellent public schools.

“Income Inequality? These Simple Little Stabs Are Guaranteed Sympathy!”

If your biggest complaint about your employer is that they offer you more work to make more money, that’s a pretty sweet gig. I have stories of being drunkenly raged at by an employer at 3 am, another commenter had money taken from her by an employer. Her complaints are nothing burgers and it’s an insult, not just to

What I’m disagreeing with is you saying the Krims weren’t good to her. They did nothing cruel or unusual to her. She was jealous of their life and their money and that’s on her, not them.

They paid her, they offered her extra work to earn more money, they hired her sister and flew her back to the DR to visit her family. Again, they’re her employers, not her friends. They’re not accused of abusing her, they just didn’t read her mind that she expected money for nothing.

Class schmass.