Elizabeth Warren

then again, why would this woman date an idiot like that in the first place? what was going on in her mind?

nothing against skinny and 'blonde', but I've never wanted to be like that. I've never found women of zines/Hollywood -skinny, puggy nosed - very attractive like women everyday on the street. It's pathetic when we here an idiot like Dustin Hoffman lament over how he judged 'ugly' women while never knowing the good

you a bad mutha futha....right on sister.

I'd like share something on his broad voluptuous chest. Mine!!!

She's completely wrong on all accounts....I'm sick...I mean sick white women dramas/comedies. Break out the Wanda Sikes! Pleazzzze for the love of God and comedic talent in this forsaken beige land we call America! Of course, I'm white.

Piggish loser. Which is why I feel more empathy for Weiner than this money hoarding piece of trash.

SERIOUSLY —- can someone FIND OUT WHO MADE THIS VIDEO AND WHO THE PARENTS ARE? I believe this may be a crime. And deliberate. I'm doing a little research right now. C'mon you glib asshole immature Gawker shit heads. Get off your snooty, under whelmed asses...and do something about this as well. Yes I'm serious. And

you might like dweebisis then. you can google it I think

Brilliant, Victoria Whatsyourname, BRILLIANT!

Over acting (especially with the wheel chair girl and the other one bad mouthing her) ....nah thanks.

It's like you're telling me about Madmen :(...

He's got the bestest chestest in thee world...of all time. RENEW SEASON 2!!!!!

....well at least J Hamm isn't attempting comedy in this one. Since J Hamm looks sort of unattractive in this one and since I can't stand Radcliffe, I doubt I'd watch it. Oh who am I kidding....is it on Netflix??

Hey is there anyway we can edit messages on here? I just realized I'm using my facebook name.

I need ample proof. Other wise, I will no longer fantasize about this guy. Period.

High Efficiency Washing machines are THEE worst invention since their cycles are half the clean cycle while using very little water...which is why I now smell worse than ever.

Dear author, Get a grip. It's a free country. This is the most inane and unreasonable article I've yet read on here....oh who I'm kidding, it's among many on here. Oh wait, I can't say that without my post being banned. Because Jezebel is full of "liberals".

I once met a director here in NYC ....and sadly, he told me that Jon Hamm was a bit of a phony....and WORSE, 5'8 or 5'9 and "quite thin". Now my fantasy life is forever fucked. Thanks a lot, PR people!

hipsters are not hip

i feel so much better and not so alone anymore. thank you!