Elizabeth Wakefield's Favorite Tuxedo Shirt

Who said they didn’t feel sorry? The point is that sorry doesn’t erase anything, and sometimes it doesn’t make anyone feel any better except the person who says it. That doesn’t mean they people don’t or shouldn’t feel or say sorry.

What does any of this have to do with a date? They weren’t on a date. She is a professional journalist interviewing a musician so this seems off topic.

So you do not believe men ever come across as entitled, yet you write a comment that is seventeen paragraphs long about how women are wrong to share their experiences in a forum aimed at women, because you personally have not encountered the same experiences?

Given that you're disregarding anything unless you've personally experienced it, as one man to another (because clearly you'd never take the word of a woman) I'd say no, you are most certainly not "an ally."