Betty Rubble

I’m a huge fan of her hair, and I think the Motown focus is a great way to emphasize Detroit’s cultural heritage. But it also makes me think the focus will be the early 1960s, I.e before the Detroit riots of 1967. I’ll also be interested to see if the books address redlining and school segregation in Detroit in any

What if you discover that the goat is your true love?

Stilton > Camembert

If I may ask, why? ( genuinely curious; no snark on my part)

That’s interesting that everyone’s saying she was sewn into them. Lycra was invented in the ‘50s, so by 1978 they certainly would have been able to make lycra pants - that’s what I always assumed they were. Learn something new every day, I guess.

cis-straight-woman... OMG I’ve only done it once on the bottom and I think I nearly had a panic attack from scrotum suffocation... AND he has swamp junk. NOT OKAY.

More recently w/ current BF on top is fine... we’ve been together for like 1.5 years and we’ve tried it twice, it’s not awful, but it’s not at the top of

Adele said that throat surgery she had to have (polyp removal and repair of a burst blood vessel) incidentally gave her about four more notes she hadn’t had previously.

The only way I could love you more right now is if you were standing in my office with a glass of red wine in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other.

Yeah, I have to fight the urge to slap some oxygen on her and start CPR.

The lipstick makes her look cyanotic.

You hit the nail on the head with the quotation marks. Actual New Yorkers don’t give a flying fuck about this (they don’t really give a flying fuck about anything anyone does as long as it’s not dramatically affecting them). It’s only the self-congratulatory transplants play-acting at being “New Yorkers” who bother to

Nipple paving is a great term, and I completely agree with you. I think most boobs look better in their natural shape, nipples and all.

I used this for something else today, but I feel it applies.


Haha not that often. But it did come up recently, so it’s on my mind.

Scott Disick is the Creme de Douche

I suspect she’s just going to have her face eaten by a clouder of cats one day.

I see your femoral and raise you a Manolo through the carotid.