Ha! Totally! It really took a lot for me to understand the expanded role of Laura Moon in the TV series.
Ha! Totally! It really took a lot for me to understand the expanded role of Laura Moon in the TV series.
Well stated! I agree completely that Gaiman was open to expanding the material of his work as long as the meaning was not lost.
My thoughts exactly. Thank you for taking the hit on this one. Hackneyed, poorly backed, elementary Marxist drivel that could have been removed entirely without sacrificing the meaning of the review is silly and painful to read for anyone with a high school education.
Oh, and if you plan to fly skeptical Americans round-trip to sniff Asian fog, you have just created enough pollution that each traveler would have to basically return to pre-industrial living for years to offset all the carbon spewed into the air by jet fuel.
China denies climate change. They are the reason why the Paris Convention failed. They produce too many carbon emissions to be offset by the entire group of nations ready to enact clean air policies. We could literally kill all cows and ban gasoline, oil and coal and global warming would still continue because China…
I’m not sure flying a lot of people to an area particularly disrupted by fuel emissions is the best way to get pollutant levels reduced in (that location’s) atmosphere.
My money’s on Darryl. Glen just survived a brush with death and he and Maggie are a packaged deal. Carl will simply not be killed in the series, he is the hidden hero. Rick can’t die until the last season b/c he’s the protagonist; Michionne is safe since she’s his new love interest. Carol is kind of an unlovable but…