
Nope her grandmother is MY mom. To a T.

FWIW, my mother was also desperately abusive and controlling of me. She was never properly diagnosed, but I have a family member that was a well-respected medical professional and his opinion was that she was a "social psychopath."

Your family's been fucking with you for so long you can't even see their crazy, since they've convinced you you're the one. They want you to believe they control you but they do not control shit. NOT SHIT.

You realize she's having a breakdown of some kind and projecting the anxiety and shame onto you, right?

Report her and cut off your family. As someone who has had terrible health since the day I was born, I know exactly how it feels to have your family act as if you're faking it. I had a cyst growing in my sinus cavity when I was 14, causing my head to swell up and to suffer horrific migraines. Unfortunately, the ER

I think the part I'm most upset about is this text:

If you told your story accurately, what she did is illegal, unethical and cruel.

>>She said that as I am a postgrad student and she is a doctor, my life is worthless and "all I have to show for living is a load of sick days." Part of me knows this is true.<<

I think you should speak to your own doctor and tell him what happened. As a professional he will know the best way to handle it, and if she is indeed violating patient privacy, she needs to be disciplined.

Please don't let her get away with this. She sounds insane, and I don't want her being a doctor anymore. I'm genuinely afraid for her patients, and afraid I might wind up being her patient at some point (I'm chronically ill).

first, hugs. Second. Report her ass. That is a huge thing, and if she can access your records, there's a chance she can alter them (there was a case a while ago where an angry nurse altered her ex's script, and almost killed him).

WHAT. THE. FUCK. When you said you wanted to get a second opinion on the "diagnosis" she gave you after illegally accessing your medical records, she threatened to report you to the police? There is something seriously fucking wrong with your sister.

That is still 50 Shades of Not Okay. Obviously whether you report or not is your own prerogative—if the idea of getting her sacked is going to cause you more stress than not reporting it, then it isn't your responsibility to do so. But the fact that she is abusive toward you, and abuses her power (or, at a minimum,

REPORT HER! jesus christ! save all your screenshots and emails and everything and write everything down including her increasingly erratic behavior. report her to her boss and to the medical board, if shes doing this to you, shes not fit to be a doctor. I know It can't be easy with regards to your family, but

Are you willing to cut off your family? Because my first thought would be to contact the police myself and ask for advice. "My sister is acting irregularly, and recently claimed to have illegally accessed my medical files. She told me that if I reported her or talked about this to my own doctor, she would file a

It sounds like she needs some serious help. The kind of help she's never going to get unless drastic steps are taken. I'd suggest talking not only to your doctor, but whoever her boss is about her claims. She shouldn't be treating patients if she's doing things like this, and for both her sake and the sake of anyone

Afterwards she claimed that she hadn't, but I think that's only because it was in text, rather than verbally (like the first time). She has a really bad temper, so it was possibly just designed to upset me (without having happened) but even that seems incredibly unethical.

WHOA WHOA WHOA. She, AS A DOCTOR, illegally accessed your medical records? That is so not-okay that my head is spinning. She really shouldn't be able to maintain her license if she's behaving that unethically toward her own sister.

Sorry, this is a bit of a depressing one.

You're 35?