
OMG. I understand you. My son is now 24, but single mother here.

You're amazing, Felyx. I have so much to thank you for - posting such a wonderful possible path.

Duly noted, and well respected. Thank you Gum. I promise I will look into all options.

You have a thousand hugs from me. xoxo

Yes. That's the plan 'Hat. You're completely on the spot. That's what I (we're) doing. Med supervision the whole way.

Nailed it, Boob.

This is amazing information. Thank you so much. I hope your recovery is astounding.

Yep. Thank you. Have already researched those in my area, and have chosen one I think will work for me (and have a standby).

Thanks for the experience of your knowledge. xo Yes - I've read up on what groceries to have in the house, and I have PTO stockpiled for "vacation" time. So, solid on that account.

Yah. Sorry. I regretted that little ol' comment the moment I clicked "publish."

Just followed you.

Yes. YES. Thank you. Yes.

No, You're right. Never would I have thought.

Thanks, Chick-y. Yah. It was very difficult to post. So very grateful and happy I did. xoxo

Thank you, Snarffles. I will definitely mind your advice. *Bless*

Thank you, Droid. Keep in touch. Please.

Wow. Ok. Just logged in for the first time today. Sunday @ 9pm PST.

K, kids. I'm going to bed. Past 10p on the West Coast. (Pretty neat, BTW, frogs are croaking outside my window. Love that. They have come back after the drought.)

It's (very truly) not a shame thing. Fuck other peoples opinion. It's financial.

(Sorry. That's an asinine video and does not respect the song.)