
Bitches of Third Avenue Unite.

Yes. Must Reads. Super cheap - get all the paperbacks, there's at least 2-3 sequels/additional stories. www.abebooks.com is amazing if you don't mind used.

Shall we make a Wish List?

AH! My sincere apologies. Gene was... magnificent.


Ah. Yes. But our neighbors go one step further down into Dante's Hell.

I have powers. Very special Google searching powers. Do not be afraid, young Jedi. All will be known in time.

Stand corrected.

I'll take one each of the green and black. Do you have large?

Plus. Also.


You slay me. LOL.

Oh Dear Christ! Is that Hedy Lamar?

Damn straight.

Spoken from someone who has never had a child.

OK. ExQueezeMe. Where did you get that???

Thank you! Thank you!