
She has claimed more than that. She has claimed she is Native American specifically if you read up on her comments on this throughout the years. That is why people are angry with her. This is the canned defense of Warren but it’s not actually true. 

I think it’s his lips on a herpes sore.

That is absolutely not what is happening here. The article has done a poor job of explaining the issue. I am not Indigenous, but I follow a number of the people who have been calling her out. Here’s a better explanation:

That’s the beauty of the whole thing: their “manofisto” can easily be quoted while explaining why you won’t pay the bill. My negative balance and lack of payment history is just an example of them striving for equality.

One black woman also declared that Sky was “clearly not a white supremacist” because she dated him for two years.

“There was a comment made during the panel that Spencer’s ilk will ultimately have to succumb to the reality of the country becoming browner. Barkley underestimate whiteness...”

This... so much... Whiteness has never failed to adapt to maintain supremacy. Irish and Italians weren’t white (I mean they were, but were

There’s two things wypipo hate:

“I went to a Red Sox game and Curt Schilling campaign rally broke out...”

Ooooo! I just had Chicken and Waffles at the IHOP. Can I do a story on “black culture” now?

My mom always told me, “beware a convert.” They’re always incredibly fanatical because they believe they’ve rationally chosen the thing that you’ve always just had or believed. Except in this case, the thing she thinks she knows more about is OTHER PEOPLE’S ACTUAL LIVED IDENTITIES!!!! It’s so gallingly bonkers I don’t

I think you’re right that how “maculinity” is defined impacts men across race & class lines—but, that there’s also PARTICULARITIES for men of color—-who may have an “inflated” idea of “masculinity” to COUNTER the powerlessness they experience in a white supremacist society

I’m sure I’ll get smoked for this (potentially) painfully white-guy question: is this an issue of black masculinity or masculinity in general? As a society, it feels like we’re trending away from the “men/boys can just grin and bear it” archetype, although I’m not sure that’ll ever be completely eroded. But this is

For many of us, black male identity is formed in the crucible of the hood and young boys learn at an early age that they need to be hard to survive. . The anecdote about your uncle is instructive, because too many male older male authority figures were brought up in the same (often times worse) conditions and their

I think there are some serious issues going on with the people who can’t deal with seeing an adult man crying. It makes them uncomfortable so they would rather it was hidden away.

Only you can prevent uterus slip-and-fall accidents...

Agreed, my best friend died last year, and I was at work the next day. Not because I needed to be there, bu because I needed the routine.

Ugh with the auto Boston hate. When Brett Favre played the day after his FATHER died people couldn’t say enough about his courage and resilience. Lots of players in many sports and cities have played after recent tragedy.

Did anyone ever stop to think that playing through the pain is Thomas’s way of grieving?

I was a young black kid in 3rd grade and my parents elected to put me in private school in Cambridge rather than risk “townies” and Pixy Palladinos hordes of rock throwing racists.
