Elizabeth Black

So that's what the kids are calling it these days? Eating a turkey?

So… Photoshop is the hologram machine? Wtf is happening right now. I'm 39 and currently outraged.

Anyone else think Root is going to release the trojan herself? Sure, she didn't want Harold to die, but does she care enough about herself? She once asked of the machine, "how badly did you have to break it to make it care about people so much?" She allowed herself to care so much for Harold and Shaw that it led her

Harper seemed to me more like a replacement for Zoe than Shaw, someone to flirt with Reese and run around with him on the B story line. I might be overly optimistic, but I'm assuming Shaw will be back next season.

lol, yeah. I was kind of hoping Joyce was actually a woman… disappointed, but not surprised.