rapidly devolves into a violent nightmare of cannibalism, cultism, and genocide, gruesomely parodying the narrative of Christianity, from Genesis to the gospels.
rapidly devolves into a violent nightmare of cannibalism, cultism, and genocide, gruesomely parodying the narrative of Christianity, from Genesis to the gospels.
Do not screw that guy. That’s how we get more of him.
The question should be: Whose face will Arya wear when she kills Melisandre? Shireen’s would be perfect, but probably impossible.
I think she’ll self-immolate.
Melisandre is much, much (and possibly exponentially) older than she generally looks. I don’t think that death -by fire or otherwise- holds much in the way of terror for her. Especially since her afterlife, at least as far as she knows, will be one in which R’hillor rewards her decades(?) of service. The death that…
And don’t forget Adama and the Galatica dropping in, offloading their vipers, and jumping out, and who is that coming over the hill, Gandalf and the Rohirrim
Would watch.
It’s been in pop culture references ranging from the 1990s all the way to the 1990s
Amy Adams should tell a lot of people to shut their fucking pie holes.
Nah, if you’re that concerned about spoilers, you should be watching. Same season spoilers are bullshit, but any season before that, you’re on your own. You can stop your friends from babbling about it near you, but avoiding it online is your own responsibility.
If I were trying to avoid years-old spoilers, I’d probably steer clear of an article named “Everyone Gets The Death They Deserve On Game of Thrones.”
I can’t enjoy a cultural zeitgeist until it has completely passed.
You’re worried about spoilers for an episode that aired over six years ago?
Tyrion is going to drown in a barrel of wine?
Fortunately, Pennywise is a shapeshifting monster, allowing him to take the form of many other 80s references. Watch as kids are butchered in turn by a California Raisin, The Noid, Rick Astley, Jacko, and an anthropomorphic bottle of Bartles & Jaymes.
Being able to shoot the second part in a modern setting probably allows the film to save money.
Weirdly, all the kids die of this flu going around in the last 5 minutes.
Don’t dream It
I DEMAND a movie about Richard Attenborough checking the DNA in a mosquito and just saying: “Damn, this won’t work, will it.”
Speaking of male characters who get a lot of slack, Bron is a total jerk and everyone seems to love him. Fuck Bron.