tragically only ungrey on deadspin blogs

This is a random question, but do any of you ever wonder to what extent your thoughts and beliefs are your own? I’ve been pondering this because there are so many issues in politics I just don’t know a lot about, like foreign policy, immigration policy, healthcare economics, etc. There are a lot of writers, blogs/news

Eh, in a patriarchal society where men have historically had all the power and where misogyny is rampant, I’m okay with making that statement. Rational people understand that #NotAllMen are like this, but a lot of them are, and need to do better. I wouldn’t care if someone said “get your shit together, white people.”

Do you have evidence to support that, or is it anecdotal? As I said, I’ve been catcalled by ALL kinds of men. If you think it’s rare for a white man to catcall a woman or say something gross to her on the street, you’ve apparently never been on a college campus.

My first instinct is always to be like “I have a boyfriend” (even though I don’t) because usually guys will only back off when they know another man is involved (funny how that works). I do wish I would be more comfortable telling them off, but I usually just want to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. If

Holy shit. That is GROSS. I’m also very non-confrontational so I probably would have done the same thing, although I’ve gotten a bit more aggressive after years of putting up with this shit.

I didn’t ask you for anything. I was giving you advice on how to be a part of the solution, as a man. I don’t need support from a rambling stranger on the Internet. Obviously you’re not going to heed it, but that’s your problem, not mine. I feel bad for women that have to interact with you IRL.

I have the exact same “problem”

Lol, I don’t give a fuck about your “support.” You’re just another moron in the sea of white male assholes.

He added that men’s mothers part after I had already responded to him so I didn’t even see it initially. I can’t believe I actually gave him the benefit of the doubt at first. I should know better.

False assumptions? I’m sorry, but all I had to go on was your judging of this woman for complaining about harassment because she should apparently instead be grateful for the hundreds of men that didn’t bother her. Of course after your comments I would assume you don’t support women who experience this. What exactly

Actually I can and will get mad if someone interrupts what I’m doing when I clearly don’t want to be spoken to in order to give me a “compliment.”

I think you might mean well (I hope) so I’m actually going to respond to this.

Sunglasses are smart. It’s always best to avoid eye contact and pretend you can’t see or hear them.

In regards to “dress how you want to be addressed”:

Can I be on neither side here? While I’m encouraged that the Pope has taken some more “progressive”-ish positions on certain issues, I just can’t place any sort of faith in someone that places some sort of godly morality above caring for actual living human beings (see: anti-abortion, anti-contraception, etc.).

Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider usually do all of these great pre-recorded skits (they’re also responsible for The Beygency, Do It On My Twin Bed, Back Home Ballers, etc.). They are both writing supervisors and are fantastic. They usually do the political skits right at the beginning of each show too.

I keep accidentally bringing up politics too, in like ALL conversations. It’s bad. But it consumes like 75% of my thoughts during the day so I can’t help it. I forget that other people are wayyyy not as into it as I am. I’m not sure if this is healthy.

Maharaja/Tandoori?? My plans are basically the same except sub wine and wheat beer for the whiskey and Magic Mike XXL and Paper Towns for definitely, maybe (I don’t have high expectations for either but actually enjoyed the first MM and read the PT book and enjoyed it and <3 john green)

This was a legitimately great episode. I only started watching so I could catch Bernie’s cameo(s), but ended up staying up for the whole thing because I found myself ACTUALLY LAUGHING at the sketches.

Thank you for the suggestion!! I really know NOTHING about PR so this is great.