
I'm pretty sure she's actually a ghoul and not a zombie. Since human flesh, not brains.

Well, we'e barely met *Jughead*, I can't imagine we won't meet Jellybean.

Yes, she's always been Hermione and BEtty's mom has always been Alice.

I mean is he wrong? I always got that vibe, all the way back to the 80s.

I mean, obviously.

They didn't. They introduced Reggie first. Moose a few seconds later.

Reggie was the asian kid with Moose.

He's not. He's a sophmore.

I love this show already. It's amazing and weird and funny.

She's beheaded.

…well, yeah. I mean, that's literally in the book the show's based on?

If you throw the tape away, the tapes get published on the internet and all your secrets do too.

Is he under the impression that 'from the future' means 'able to see the future'?

This sort of thing, I think, proves what I always tell people: before you write a show off after 4 episodes because you think something is bad or dumb, maybe wait and see where they're going with it. You might miss something awesome.

They could tell her that her soulmate hasn't arrived yet.


How? All that says is that she hopes they're in the bad place it doesn't…really say that SHE'S in the bad place.

Isn't that the point Shawn was making, though? That they were committing a lot of time and effort to torturing four people? Though it seems like torturing people is mostly to entertain each other, so maybe it's also a "tv show" in the bad place for demons? See Jason's spec that this is a prank show.

Sure, but here's the thing: nobody asked her 'hey, is this really the bad place'?

my assumption is that there isn't a real Jian-yu, just as there's no 'Real Eleanor'.