
"even though there’s nothing in the Archie family of comic books to support such a concept"

It wasn't Fiona's share of the meth, it was Deb and Liam's share. They left theirs on her bed. Frank took Fione's share.

Not really, no. No more than Venture Bros, I'd think.

I think it helped that even the AUDIENCE was getting frustrated.

I think they didn't make a big deal out of Jake calling the Captain 'dad' because it's not the first time he's done it, and the first time he did it they DID make a big deal.


I remember! I am kind of hoping that they take the metacomment by Ray and run with it, making Karen Starr Ray Palmer's adopted cousin.

Not that it makes it better, in fact it makes it MUCH worse, but that's Saturn Queen possessing Supergirl.

I wish it was the latter. That would make all the dumb flashbacks worth it.

Or the USSR like in Red Son?

…probably no, but she did date Wally West.

They said she'd have a different costume than comics!Power Girl.

Powergirl and Supergirl (going by Flamebird) I mean. In One Year Later.

Earth 3 Kara and Earth 2 Kara fight Ultraman in One Year Later.

How do we know they didn't check? She might not go by Kara Danvers here. He might not go by Clark Kent. We don't know that in this world she was adopted by the Danvers family.

Well, there's a world in the comics where he's a villain called Ultraman. Actually, I think it's the same world where Kara is Power Girl. So….yeah, that might be fun!

Yes, the interview also said this.

I mean it's not the plot of the season in that it's already happened.

Well, he's seen her I guess?

Yes. "Any Kara that exists on Earth 1 would also have to have been an alien. It can’t just be Kara Danvers from Poughkeepsie."