
I am so glad this storyline is, according to EW and Ryan Murphy, only episodes 1-5. (6-9 is another story and then episode 10 is a standalone. One of these three stories will tie to the Mott Family from Freakshow, apparently)

Isn't it possible that he had severe emotional issues because of the constant attention on his sister for her paegants, etc?

Everything else aside, I am unsure you understand the title of Sense8. If there were only 5, they'd have to make the title completely different. Because sense8 = sensate.

It's only strong if you ignore dna evidence.

Yeah, I can't imagine why someone whose sister was killed in the house he was in and people keep accusing him and his family of having done it despite DNA evidence having cleared them might have psychological issues.

So….CBS' "modern investigative techniques" are basically just "let's ignore the fact DNA evidence specifically stated nobody in the family was the one who killed her"? And the rest of you will too, because CBS did?

I can tell you if you want to know

The Robinsons: Lost In Space would beg to differ, but the Robinsons: Lost in Space never got past the pilot so it can screw.

Everybody keeps forgetting the Lost In Space reboot from 2004.

Land of the Giants always perplexed me as a premise.

….is it supposed to be anything but total cheese?

Not to mention in the article above.

I don't think it'll be all season. I suspect we're getting a series of two part vignettes.

This is the secind released track.

The thing is, the "ten years" thing was never stated on screen, and if it's not on screen it's not neccesarily true. especially since all snyder said was that Robin died ten years ago "in his mind".

The exact same plot? No. But plot elements? Yes. Issue 9 of Suicide Squad involved Slipknot and Boomerang's 'mind games'. "The Nightshade Odyssey" and "Kicked in the Teeth" have the basic plot elements.

" Why did the Joker’s text messages have both a “close” and “ignore” option? "

I don't know, everything in the trailer is in the script.