
Yep! Though, he's reformed.

well, to be fair, she is stupid.


They tried to. It made things worse.

Yes, but what does that have to do with this?

Probably because they don't have the two-five years it takes to build a building that size.

That's because they literally called it that once and then switched to The Machine.

Well, Barry hasn't started pining over Cisco, so we should be good.

They do. Remember Bette? Jefferson? Martin Stein? Ronnie Raymond?

Because he can't close them.

…what? The plot of legends is literally 'get rid of Savage because he's destined to kill millions"

that's YOUR mother's maiden name, silly.


I think even for the most part on fringe they called it The Machine. I actually had to google to verify that oh hey look it WAS called the vacuum once on Fringe.


Yeah, but I assume your father wasn't in prison til last year?

That's amazing.

I mean, considering the cells don't have bathroom access, etc eetc I just assume no one on earth 1 poops.

dude *I* watched Fringe and didn't get the reference.