
I need to know where MCU execs take yoga lessons, because holy shit son that is some reaching.

Well, in the movie there seemed to be some implication with the county sheriff, his wife and the shrink at the end that after Norma died, Norman had had a breakdown.

It's even sadder that ALL the construction workers seem to be hiding who they are in some way. If only they talked.

Um, ok, but they also use Canadian money and have specifically stated it takes place in Canada.

It's always been pretty clear the show was in Toronto, though. They even named the suburb where Alison lives as one of the Canadian Suburbs from "Ginger Snaps", which is also in suburban Toronto.

The comics state that MK was another always-aware clone, raised by another lab tech. And weirdly that Helsinki was in 2001 because the clone group MK was a part of was going to go public.

If she is the same MK as in the tie-in comics, she is the Helsinki survivor, yes.

I mean, I think we can assume she's dead.`

And Tony, who is supposedly back this season.

Stiles on Teen Wolf.

Yeah, even her also blindish teacher who said she could "do anything" ran him off.

A little worried at all those letters that say final notice urgent test results"

Then they're just hipsters with kids.

Dylan said he's alive, but he barely talks to him when he first showed up in season 1. Allegedly, we were going to meet him. I hope we do, just out of curiosity.

It really does

They have picked it clean. That's why the deo uses alien prison tech and also Cadmus exists.

He was also sent to earth in a pod.

I didn't either, considering the show ended with "stay tuned for scenes from the next episode", and then of course the scenes didn't…appear.

Because they saw her at the end of last episode, when she stabbed J'onn in the chest.

It wasn't the power of love, it was the power of piggybacking their signal and disrupting it with something else They could've played a rick roll for all it mattered, it just happened to be a message of hope.