
I think that was intentional.

Barriana sounds cooler.

Yes, she's basically Cat Grant as Wonder Woman.

..well, no. The leakage wasn't from…the gas.

be…cause it just happened yesterday?

Everyone is.

………..dude, inappropriate. And creepy.


How is "Teen Wolf" increasingly inaccurately named? Most of the characters are teenagers in high school, and most of them are werewolves. If anything, its MORE accurate since Derek and Peter Hale left…

I guess we should add this show to the list of shows I keep forgetting exist Top of that list is weirdly the tv show Unforgettable.

Percy :(

I would, especially after having met Samantha. I mean, I don't doubt there should be issues, but giving him ultimatums? Bitch move.

Agreed. It doesn't have anything to do with her. William isn't her son.

while I agree its pretty stupid to do this, idk if we can accuse a show about a vigilante from moving away from realism.

…no? He seemed pretty much to believe he'd never be able to reveal he had a son ever?

The problem is, the issue he needed solved wasn't in any way 'hers' to solve.

She thinks she gets to have input in decisions about things that aren't in any way up to her. Somehow.

…I kind of disagree that Felicity is 'justified' in being angry with Oliver…

Yes. And angry.