
I felt the same way about Unforgettable.

And one Liam Neesom

Pretty sure that's the plot of Lookinglass on Fox

Well, Ronnie, Stein and Barry saved it all equally I would think…

A bit weird, though. Because last season, Harrison had said Al Rothstein was a casualty of the accident. Which really meant he was a vanished metahuman. So…timey-wimey stuff from the singularity, maybe?

Of course Eli Stone moved his law practice to Central City. Of COURSE he did.

Well, I mean the people who greenlight this stuff. Not the actors. I mean, unless the cast of big bang theory has a thousand portraits hidden i an attic.

CBS can't. CBS is full of old people who think they want younger people.

I thought Vega said his body reads WERE admissable in court.

I wasn't! Though I am sick. Still. Maybe there really WAS a Silent in my house.

There MUST be.

I watched this whole episode, I recall NOTHING. I just finished it. Five minutes ago.

That was hilarious.

It's a mystery!!

oh, I don't know. I like her relationship with Luke. Last week's "I thought you were the beach he liked HI5" was cute.

I actually liked the glasses, and wondered if Nolan needs them in real life now or if the look/hat was because he's filming something else and had to get a haircut.

…with larceny?

The best part is, Phil must've sold it because they were only going to Trampoline world if he did. So who bought it?

Just her mother, apparently. Her father seems to have been pushed out of her life until her sister got custody of her.
