
who plays Willy?

He was the one giving Don the book of polaroids.

Yeah, exactly. Though, now knowing that he lost it, I'm SERIOUSLY impressed he was back at work what…2 days later?

Here we have a show where, if we root for Norma to end up with a particular guy we have to contend ourselves and live with the fact that Norman *is* destined to murder him.

For some reason, I had never thought that Ken had actually LOST the eye, until we saw him without the patch.

I thought maybe she was someone he knew from when he was Dick.

New Roger looks like the monopoly mascot.

Everythig was harder to make in 1970.

Don might know that.

Ted was there. He just has a really dumb mustace.

The worst part is that some dickhole at the twitter put up ANOTHER COUNTDOWN.

That MUST be it.

To be fair, the weird "Cathy is just like mother, oh wait no she's not forget it" scene is in one of the books too, and is never referred to again.

Amazingly, HE fans apparently hate being tricked like that, because we didn't watch Weird Loners at all. The ratings for their show were LOW. Looks like your little joke backfired, writers.

Don't be silly. To hide from the mob, you dye your hair skunk-y and pretend to be a high school student. Just as Jon Cryer.

My main problem with this episode is that the first ten minutes could easily have been tacked onto last week's episode. Part Twos are meant to resolve the serious conflict from part one. But…Barry did that in the first ten minutes. That left nothing but the lackluster strings and the SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN

Though, them ending up together might not be a great idea. Considering, that it's implied that Norman kills

What makes me sad is that the film series proves that Norman CAN be helped, that he CAN become something better and not kill or harm anyone.

Ha ha, honestly I'm shocked she wasn't in it.

Sam actually got most of Finn's plotlines. The storyline with the nurse in season 4 was originally Finn's.