
I liked the very very subtle reference to the 60s tv show. Gerald Crane, in the 60s tv show, was a Scarecrow-style villain named The Bookworm.

Actually, one of the comics DID have a female Joker, Bianca Steeplechase, so it's not unheard of. And in Flashpoint Paradox, *Martha Wayne* is the Joker.

I am pretty sure that Karofsky and Blaine being cousins was a lie Sue made up.

And dating Hartley Rathaway in the comics.

I believe he is in next week's episode.

Yellow ligtning belongs to the Man in Yellow.

Anybody else notice that Wells' SpeedForce blur is red, not yellow?

We know one of their names. It's Sophia.

Wasn't the point of The Warblers having that weird council of theirs that they ddn't need a faculty advisor?

Well, I think that it being so similar was supposed to fall on the thematic side, not the lazy side. Or on the 'proofs' that there is something otherworldly connecting the seasons. Along with Jessica Lange's characters always being 'failed starlets/mother figures', Evan Peters' always being empathetic, and Sarah's

Did no one else notice that Dandy's massacre was essentially a reinactment of Tate's?

The Bacon Brothers.

Of note: Halloween in 1958 falls on Friday.

According to the writers, it's meant to be a look at their 'thoughts', and not so much a documentary device.

Well, if you actually WATCH the show, you'd notice that it seems to actually be based partially on The Dark Tower.

Who even is Angela to Jimmy, that's what I want to know.

Miss him how? He's still alive…

They're not in high school.

Glee returning is so unnotable that RYAN MURPHY hasn't even tweeted about it.