John E.

Really? I love the scenery in that movie. I honestly thinks the LoTR trilogy works better when watched at home. I just rewatched it recently and if you allow yourself breaks, it becomes more of a really awesome series than an overblown film. It still remains, to me, one of the most best translations of a fantasy epic

Amen brother! Most of these whiners are kids who read the book long after we did. Long after Led Zeppelin sang about it. Jackson has done a fantastic job with it. Bottom line...whiners can shut up...and simply not watch it.

Yeah, the Catholic schools I attended also taught that Genesis should be taken as a creation myth and not in the literal sense of the word. The takeaway was that God created the world, whether it happened in the Garden of Eden or with the Big Bang.

You have a weirdly ignorant conception of Catholicism's philosophical attitudes towards both science and the natural world. Scientific learning was required, and the advance of science encouraged because, among other reasons, the natural order was thought to allow one greater insight into the supernatural order. And

Gotta love Russian rocket engines.

Right, I mean they obviously had a relationship of some sort since he had a picture with her, but they didn't outright say. I think she was his wife, but she could have been a close friend or a big member of the church.

The stories about waiting is from people who go to the ER when they have a cold because they dont have insurance. If you have a legit emergency, regardless of race, you will be seen in an appropriate manner. when I didn't have insurance, I just dealt with being sick. I would sit in my room for a day or two with high

Right gun, wrong animal (see also: deer and caribou).

What "Climate Refugees"? Did you miss or choose to ignore the report out of California that shows Global warming or whatever it new for dupes name is, the last 100 years data shows it's wind patterns that change temperature. Sure you'll find someway to pin that on conservatives and other normal humans, since we

YES! Canada! Go to Canada! All of you! Canada is the PLACE FOR YOU! You don't want to move here to the Pacific Northwest, you want to move to CANADA! Go! Go! FIND YOUR FUTURE!!