John E.

In my country it is customary to hand whiny little bitches a biscuit, with which they can wipe away their tears and munch down on the salty taste of nobody giving half a fuck. But since the dude isn’t likely to understand the concept of other nations or culture, i thought I’d instead share this custom with you, so

I never got why things ended the way they did at all in the book....

“Ancient” Egypt was far from the monoculture people want to think it was. IANAPE, but pictorial evidence shows a considerable variance in skin color, there were lots of non-Africans living there (including those who would go on to be The Jews), other African people were considered darker, the Ptolemys were Greek (Cleo

Oh! I’m so offended there’s white people in a freaking ridiculous over the top movie about Egyptian Gods! Oh! Woe is me and my first world, bullshit problems!

So a Scot once ruled the World ... It’s only a matter of time before it happens again.

And thus concludes this edition of Fundamental Differences in the Belief Systems of Liberals and Conservatives.

People die every day. Lots of people. Most of them are people you’ll never meet, never hear of, never know. Their deaths are peaceful and violent, clean and grisly, inevitable and tragic, and every shade in between. One day, you’ll be one of them — and maybe, just maybe, someone, through the vehicle of internet

The prequel tickets should all be piled up and burned, while people are singing Yub Nub :)

Yes they do. “...sex offenders were about four times more likely than non-sex offenders to be arrested for another sex crime after their discharge from prison—5.3 percent of sex offenders versus 1.3 percent of non-sex offenders.” http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pr…

Because it’s not true. Advocates in support of more lenient treatment of “rehabilitated” sex criminals always leave out the fact that, based on Bureau of Justice statistics, “...sex offenders were about four times more likely than non-sex offenders to be arrested for another sex crime after their discharge from

EVERYONE in this poster has something weird going on with their neck. They look like their heads are photoshopped on.

Le Sigh... lightsabers are not made of light\photons. They are made of plasma concentrated and forged into the shape of a blade by manipulating magnetic forces. The hilt both generates the plasma and the magnetic containment field that gives the blade its shape. Not that this is scientifically possible or anything, I

The military is pretty correct in this situation though. In a world ending situation your feelings would no longer matter for the safety of everyone else. Obviously an unstable drug head and someone dying from an illness that will raise as a zombie when they die aren’t people you want in a safe zone.

Must be Friday: keep reading Maze Runner: Scotch Trials.

Holy sh*t. A republican not only found out about Gizmodo, but learned how to use the internet. <cue the other 6 signs of the apocalypse>

If you are using evangelical exorcists, you are doing it wrong. Everyone knows (via movies) that Catholics do it better.

I think the graph of “urban heat” refers to the increase in ground temperature due to pavement, concrete etc. Asphalt will always measure more extreme than grass or forest given identical weather conditions, especially in the heat.

that is not an unprecedented rise at all! The only thing that is unprecedented is the rise rate of CO2 levels. But that doesn’t necessarily cause the temperature. Historically yes temperature and CO2 levels have had correlation (cooler temperature have CO2 trapped in ice, etc) but that does NOT imply causation.

Woa, a graph of a 100 years! I raise you a graph of 1000’s of years. Believe me, I think it is GREAT that there is attention and actions being done to reduce environmental impact. But lets be real here, its a little silly to say “we don’t know what’s causing this, but dammit we are going to fix the planet’s climate

“2014 was the warmest year on record...”

No it wasn’t.