what is it, CMS or private corrections, make up your mind. CMS is a provider within the public system. Compare to GEO, inc, which provides corrections, eg builds and staff prisons.
what is it, CMS or private corrections, make up your mind. CMS is a provider within the public system. Compare to GEO, inc, which provides corrections, eg builds and staff prisons.
Hatsumi never cared for Hayes commercializing of tai-jitsu
Bull, private companies often do the job better, are more treatment oriented and and less prone to waste. Private corrections don’t “criminalize a whole lot of behavior” we have laws that do that. The purpose of the private corrections company is to provide a secure facility to house the offenders.
You, sir, are a special kind of stupid...
more likely the residents will wake up one day and their keepers will be gone.
14 years ago I got LASIK, my vision was corrected to 20/15 and aside with a bit of a dry eye now and then I have been extremely happy. Considering I spent under $1000 for the procedure...wow
here’s a little secret, not everyone who casts a skeptical eye on the “sky is falling” research is a republican. As for debating, it’s usually the AGW crowd that vilifies anyone who disagrees. I would argue the computer models are so effed up; that you cannot include all the possible variables, that we will never know…
gee suckpete that is so mean, calling me a liar and all. did you go to keyboard commando class and learn that? pray tell what liberal arts degree made you the expert?
Space scientist is a generic term, I should have said solar physicists, astronomers, astrophysicists or space weather scientists; like Vukcevik, Isvalgaard, et al. or Geoff Sharp who asserts that solar forcing and the influence of gas giants in our system play a role.
Let me rephrase for those of you who are slower...astronomers, space weather experts, solar physicists. I know some of you may have a hard time comprehending the vagaries of “scientist” perhaps you should get out of your parents basement once in awhile.
on climate change, the report you cite, was 97% of 300 climate scientists. I know plenty of space scientists that disagree with anthropogenic global warming and attribute variations to solar cycles.
there is actually quite a bit of evidence, especially in the veterinary world, that vaccines should be titrated, spread out, and boosters should be discontinued, especially when vaccines are bundled with one another.
Put it this way, family first, then neighbor. People need to be self dependent. But it would be more likely that if there were a breakdown it would start in urban centers, like Baltimore, DC, etc. and most of the initial victimization would result from black on black violence initially, then spread outward. If the…
in what sci-fi novel did this happen? take over states? what are you smoking?
wow, many, way to stereotype...
and you believe if there is a collapse that the people in the army won’t meander off and be with their family, same for police and emergency personnel? That’s what the NOLA police did in Katrina. Don’t expect the government to save you. You should have at base a week of stores. If something more serious comes along…
I think the color of your skin has very little to do with it.
political will, the government could upgrade the grid for $50 billion to protect against emp, and it can’t even do that and you expect to be taken care of by FEMA in the event of a disaster?
I cannot stand Matt Damon, I think he is over rated, narcissistic and elitist. However, this whole grievance industry with their own vocabulary is a sophomoric eruption from a b-level liberal arts college course on feminism that is just as bad. Get over yourselves, get a job and contribute.
I would suggest reading Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose. The average caloric intake on the journey would be 5000 calories per day. An average athlete today consumers around 3500. They were expected to hunt, fish and gather their food. The best bang for their buck came from fat.