John E.

well, then you don’t understand the criminal justice system. What would you propose anyway?

unwilling? really? anthropomorphize much?

and that’s a problem why?...

this poster douchetastic 4

Your right of course. But the fact is once a serial sex offender, always a serial sex offender. Put him down, permanently.

what is she, like 5'1"? I would have expected 5'9" at least.

How do we reconcile that the RSS (Satellite Data Set) shows no global warming for 220 months. 1997 to present. 18 years. This is statistically significant according to NOAA (see http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/b…) page 23.

And M. John Harrison

Gene Wolfe needs some props:

Fremen were stand in for the Jews is my understanding. This was made explicit I think in Dune: Chapterhouse

I asked a friend who was a pediatrician once on this issue....when she felt life started. She looked at me kinda funny and just said it doesn't, it continues.

Yeah, very tolerant of you. One thing about progressives, they have no problem with throwing around hate on those that disagree with them.

Yeah, if you choose to abort fine. I don't subscribe to it unless the circumstances are dire. Too many people in poverty use it as a method of birth control. I think it would be better if we took more responsibility for our sexual practices and prevented the pregnancy to begin with, rather than destroying a viable

and this is from the University of Illinois Polar Research Group:

Your mom is too busy choking on mine, so get out of her basement and wake up, the science is not settled with this. I'm sorry did I insult you? too bad. 60 years of measurement by climate scientists do not a theory prove. Talk to me in another 1000 and then maybe. Meanwhile you can go spout off your doom and gloom

err, no, if the water below them is warming them, they are already on the water, thus displacing it.

read the article, they are theorizing that the water, underneath the ice is warmer and melting it. The ice in question is already displacing water as it moves off the land mass.

That is the myth of the old west, blood running in the streets, gunfights everywhere. It was far from uncivilized. In Dodge City you had to check your weapons at the Sheriff's. I too work in the criminal justice system and agree that if the SHTF this country would be a mess. Just look at what happened after

and will they do the same thing for pot?

considering that CO2 has historically had higher levels in the atmosphere, yeah 400ppm ain't that much.