John E.

really? 18 years of no warming? PDO and el Nino way below expected heat dump? relying on computer models that discount solar warming and don't include atmospheric particulate aggregation? but you have 97% concurrence among scientists (the 97% references was a survey of climate scientists with a sample size of 3000).

That's why they make so much money, huh? Haters gonna hate...

Ever see a Kurdish mass grave? Tour Auschwitz? Seen 11 year old girls raped and their families decapitated in Juarez?

First, we are not a democracy, we are a representative republic, and as such voting has consequences, as does voting informed. What really frightens me is the clear lack of intelligence among most people under 25, and the arrogance that regardless of their own stupidity, they think they know everything. Its strangely

And that is why you, Lt. will never amount to anything more than a hipster, let alone a Supreme Court Judge.

Some of us "deniers" are pretty bright, what with Master's Degrees, PhD's and Post Docs. And we don't deny that solar output influences climate, unlike proponents of AGW.

That's Thuvia, Maid of Mars

No they are not, violent crime is at an all time low, consistently falling since the 70's. You are more likely to be killed with a fist or a club than a rifle. AR's are a small caliber rifle, vilified because they "look" evil. Hunting rifles like .308 (same round as an AK) or .30-.06 are more powerful.

these a representation of bulls.

uss skate at the North Pole, March 1959:

gatorade science...kinda like climate science.

you are an idiot

actually their primary sex toy is your girlfriend...oh I forgot, you don't have one.

considering violent crime is at a 40 year low, I don't think so.

Since the CDC began publishing data in 1981, gun suicides have outnumbered gun homicides. But as gun homicides have declined sharply in recent years, suicides have become a greater share of all firearm deaths: the 61% share in 2010 was the highest on record. That year there were 19,392 suicides by firearm compared to

you lost your cousin because he is an idiot, not because of guns.

hunting, target shooting, skeet, sporting clays, trap, 3-gun, look up Camp Perry and civilian marksmanship. your hoplophobia makes you week.

guns are designed to efficiently defend yourself at a safe distance. 30 feet minimum if your opponent has a knife.

Yeah, tell that to my dad and his buddies who where prisoners of the Nazi's for three months, or my uncle who died on the Bataan death march.

I hate to tell you this but simple farmers probably know more about science than you do.