
I was in a meeting recently where executives were talking about the loss of market share in the beer market. Not once did anyone suggest “make a better beer” and it was quite dumbfounding. 

Yeah, but then you’d have to balance it out with this other way they found of “saving money”:

When is he running for President?

I used to work at 50s style diner that made great milkshakes from hard ice cream. We would always make just a little bit more than would pour into the glass, and the customers loved it. They felt like they were getting a big treat to when they poured the last bit from the shake cup into their glasses and would bring

In related news, they can save more than $10 million a year by firing him

“we’re going to rule the country”

So the guy who brought us The Game (PUA culture) writes more stuff glamorizing men who are deeply disrespectful of women.

Hitler was a good leader.

Gonna go with dudebra on this one: look at Colmes, that used to work with Hannity on Hannity and Colmes. He was just a stand in who was screamed at and mocked by Hannity the whole time he was on air. Just really knuckling into him as a person, as an ideologue, and as a (pretty damn centrist) Liberal.

You win the Internet.

Maggie T was a hateful person, anyone who quotes her as though she means something should be ashamed of themselves.

It’s not as though the UK’s social programs so far outstrip the US as to be ludicrous or anything.

Or that economies flourish when poor people have money and die when they don’t.

Now playing

And here’s Margaret Thatcher defending the Khmer Rouge:

My mother never taught me how to cook. When I got older and I asked her why, she said I never seemed interested, which is true. But I was never interested in laundry or mopping or cleaning bathrooms, either, but she made me do all that shit.

she’s white.

The biggest concern here is the this woman was allowed to adopt seven children! They’re not Beanie Babies! How was that allowed?

Nice, start with an insult. We’re done. Fuck off and have a nice day.

Awesome. So go find a big ol’ chunk of it and eat the whole thing.

“You cannot prove that any individual case of cancer is due to anything ...”

Between Homophobia & this black folks need to check themselves.