
So the white man who was menacing a Black woman is not arrested while his victim is? Sounds about white.

And as much as I despise saying this, even his hero, Adolph Fuckin Hitler, went through an actual war. Cadet Bone Spurs just likes to talk tough.

Russos had Modern Warfare on Community which, yes, was a tv show, but still had really legible and thrilling action sequences. Cretton probably can’t be worse than what Webb did in The Amazing Spider-Man (hampered by a shitty script by Kurzman and 9/11 truther Orci) to take another indie filmmaker given the helm to a

Do you really think everyone’s response to this will be BANNING children from going to the same schools their parents went to? You’re acting pretty Megan McCainy right now. 

That's just her not wanting to pay her property taxes.

In Palm Beach, it’s a city of Lucille Bluth’s on a steady diet of Fox News.

If there are any good tweet responses to Trump’s, it’s his and that Jeff Guterman guy. They sometimes respond to each other’s tweets.

Well they got people to vote for a guy who has devoted his entire life to telling everyone how much money he has and literally lives in a golden palace on top of a tower because he “understands the working classes”, so why the hell not try this too. 


To be fair (to the FBI) the probe only started a week before Donna Castleberry was killed. Columbus Police Department is rotten to the core, though. This is the same department that defended shooting and killing 13-year-old Tyre King in 2016 because he had a BB gun.

See repubs, this? This is anti-Semitism, you fucking morons.

Lol you really triggered the bigoted manbabies hard with this one.

You know Brie was probably polishing her 2016 Best Actress Oscar as you were typing your profound opinion.

Christ almighty, you’re such a transparently disingenuous liar.

Unfortunately for the trolls, Captain Marvel is dedicated to a fallen airman, so hating the movie means they hate the troops. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.

This is such a stupid controversy on so many levels. In the words of Patton Oswalt “You’re going to miss everything cool and die angry.”

And if you think you’re experiencing “anti-white-guy bias”, see a doctor.