sex work ≠ human trafficking. acknowledging that the police may be conflating sex workers with trafficking victims isn’t the same thing as saying “sex trafficking isn’t that bad” but thanks for playing.
sex work ≠ human trafficking. acknowledging that the police may be conflating sex workers with trafficking victims isn’t the same thing as saying “sex trafficking isn’t that bad” but thanks for playing.
Yeah, people (usually white men) refuse to recognize patterns when it comes to violence against women (or minorities for that matter). It makes them too uncomfortable, and they see themselves in the perpetrators and not the victims.
...Jai Courtney may still be involved.
Jason Mendoza
Substitute Teacher is for fascist women what Reserve Police Officer is for fascist men. For when you’re too lazy to bully and oppress full time.
Good on him but I hope little dude realizes this ain’t over. They’ll be gunning for him now.
Yeah, someone go ask her if she believed Christine Ford.
That's why it's called MeToo.
And she supports Donald Trump. Totally congruous.
I post this a lot but just in case it needs repeating: separating parents from their children, and then adopting their children out against their parents’ consent, is a form of genocide according to the UN.
She is a liar. She has perjured herself in front of Congress and the American people, the people she swore to defend and who employ her.
If this was another administration maybe follow the procedure in the normal way, but this is not a normal administration. Just fucking issue subpeonas already no need to be polite about it they’re never going to work with you. At least everyone there is overwhelmed and stupid so I have hopes they won't cover their…
Just your whore mother.
Age, gender, race, religion, economic class doesn’t matter to them. If you’re not with them, you’re against them. THAT’S the only line they care to draw.
Statistically zero conservatives say that out loud, if they ever think it, so it doesn't matter.
C’mon, God, SEND LIGHTNING BOLTS HERE. They couldn’t be sending you a clearer message. Effingham needs fire! Cleansing fire!!