
I work in the animal field, and the last story basically confirms what I've always known about the type of people that breed and show dogs and throws a tanker of gasoline on my already bright fire of hatred for them. I'll concede that about 5-10% are pretty cool, but overall.....

Seriously, why the fuck are its ears cropped?! It's not even a pure pit bull. Not that I'd think it was ok if it was, it just defies even doggy-mutilator logic to lop off this mutt's ears.

If the minimum wage she had kept pace with inflation it'd be like 15 or 20 or something right now.

I feel like that would make you slip on the ground and be difficult to walk in and you're better off just letting your shoes get wet. But what do I know, I never castrated a hog. Only dogs and cats (no really I'm a vet).

Ok, when I was in school, I didn't know about the bread bag trick and just let my shoes get wet. AND LIKED IT. And then I worked hard and now I can afford Gore-Tex. BOOTSTRAPS PEOPLE. Cover your bootstraps with bread bags though.

I feel like there's a category missing that me and my husband fall into - money vigilant but not particularly frugal. We appreciate and enjoy "nice things," but they're not status and we don't think the money is where the happiness comes from. We're well aware there's a ceiling on how much happiness money brings you;

What happened in that game? I only have the faintest memories. That season was crap overall for us IIRC.

I was irritated by the playoff because after MSU lost to Ohio State and lost all playoff chances, all the MSU fans were like "sob sob I just don't care about football anymore it's all over" and somehow a 2-loss season became epically disappointing. Then the Cotton Bowl win was "just a bowl game meh." An 8 team playoff

Dantonio has had a fair bit of loyalty to MSU, unlike some people (yes, still bitter at Saban). I'm not overly worried about him jumping ship, but yes, it's a possibility. But my friends are already placing bets on when Harbaugh will piss off everybody in the UM administration and run back to the NFL.

As a Spartans fan, I'm just bummed.

There was a piece on NPR a little while ago about how those timers can actually increase auto accidents because drivers see how much time is left and gun through the intersection if it's just a couple seconds. But they do decrease pedestrian accidents like they're supposed to.

I'm a different person, but I'm a Russian immigrant, and we have some serious racism. People think of Roma as basically subhuman. After my parents moved here they were rapidly like "omg these black people do all this crime!" The anti-Semitism was breathtaking; my mom couldn't go to the college she wanted specifically

I wouldn't work if I didn't have to. I'd just paint. Why not do that as a career you say? Well I like making money for one, and marketing yourself as an artist sounds way more miserable than what I do for a living for another. So yeah, I'd retire to do what I love no strings attached. Sheesh.

I was bummed when I found that out because I want to smoke but don't want to stink up my tiny apartment. Vape pens?

I also felt that it would actually inhibit helping doctors who are dealing with real drug problems. It's an incredibly demanding job. I know I couldn't be an MD. There's certainly a lot more high-functioning addicts among doctors than people think, and it's more constructive to provide assistance that penalize them.

I thought edibles were worse as far as that sort of thing? I know nothing.

Hah, you might know this already, but California tried to pass a proposition to drug test doctors. It failed 60-40. I had an argument with a coworker about it (we're actually doctors of furthings) and I told her that if it passes she needs to be prepared for a lot of fired doctors. She was pearl-clutching shocked I'd

I can see some of this reasoning when actually within the shelter system - there's a lot of questions about allocation of resources, and it makes more sense to pour resources into multiple healthy adoptable animals vs one sick one; but a lot of rescues around here will fix things like parvo and broken legs. But if an

Wait, hold on. You shouldn't spend $x on your cat, you should put it down and get another one from a shelter so you can put that one down when it gets sick? Yah, LOGIC. It's a cat, not a used car! I'm in the furry health care field, by the way, and we love people like you and I'm sorry people have said shitty things

I always liked "movie."